Our Daily Bread – Thanks, Bro!

I just got this in an email from my brother. He said that his company sends one out every day, and that this one really resonated with him. He sent it to the family, thinking it might resonate with us, too. And it did. And it does. I believe this with all my heart.

So often in life, we don’t do things, because, we are waiting until we can do them ‘right’. That is just plain silly. I’m quite certain God is not wholly concerned with whether or not you are in a church, kneeling, folding your hands in the proper way, etc.

Did you forget to hit your knees this morning? Then talk to him in the car on the freeway. Have a little chat with him at your desk. Heck, talk to him all day long – he is your friend! He wants to hear from you!

So yeah, my brother hit the nail on the head – I needed to be reminded of this today! Thanks, bro!

Grandmamom’s old red traincase

I have my grandmother’s old red traincase on my dresser and I just love it and love having it there, out in the open like that! I miss the old luggage sets, the way they looked when I was a kid and when my grandmother was a young woman. But also, having it in here, in plain view, makes me feel like I have a piece of my grandmother in my room with me. And that just fills my spirit with warmth.

I also think of the days when my grandmother and her sisters and brother would ride the train to go somewhere. Traveling was a big deal then, a big affair. Everyone would get dressed up and it was a real treat. The journey itself was actually part of the trip.

I know the one time that I took the train, I absolutely loved it! I cannot wait until I can take my own kids for a train ride. Even if we only go a short way like I did (from Dallas to Austin) we will have so much fun!

I know we have a lot of totally cool modern conveniences in this day and time (the internet! could NOT live without it!) but, there are just some things about the past that seem so special and so magical. And I see a little bit of that ‘magic’ in my mind’s eye every time I glance over at my dresser!

I’ve been taking care of horses and dogs

See these two handsome boys?
They have been taking up a good chunk of my time. My mother-in-law has been ill, so I’ve had to take over care for these two sweet boys and her very demanding Yorkie-poo! And let me just tell you, taking care of these two huge beasts is way easier than the demands placed upon me by this shrimpy monster:Yes, he’s cute. Yes, I love him. And yes, he’s a MAJOR PITA!!!!! His name is Baxter, and he is now, THANK THE HOLY HEAVENS, back in his mother’s care. He and Lucky do seem to enjoy each other’s company, but, he is just too much work for me right now. I am still in charge of the sweet, darling horses, though – at least for a couple more days.

I love taking care of the horses, and I love bonding with them, but, I am exhausted, my house is a wreck, and my poor blogs are neglected. Well, most of them, anyway – I’ve been able to do quite a bit of posting at Hippie Spelunker. That’s the only blog that’s really gotten any love lately, though. I’ve just been too busy and tired to be able to fit in much more. I’ve been so tired, especially with all of this heat and humidity, that I’ve felt like maybe I needed a humidifier! Maybe I could get one like the one my mother-in-law borrowed from my nieces – it’s in the shape of a duck! It’s so cute!!

It is definitely filling my spirit up to be spending so much time with Doc and Leo (the horses), but, right now my focus is my online work and I just really don’t have time for extra animals. It’s kind of heartbreaking, because, for the first time in my life I have constant access to horses – something I’ve dreamed about for a very long time! But I have such incredible drive and passion for my work online right now, that it is overshadowing that long-standing dream of being with horses.

It is a strange place to be, really. I guess the things we want so badly in our lives ‘right now’ really do change. You know those things we long for so dearly, that we never think will change. And it’s not really that it’s changed, even. It’s just that building my brand online comes first right now. And I feel a calm peace about the horses – like my time for that will come. And so I’m going to trust that it shall.

And now – I’ve got to go feed two hungry horses their dinner!

Finding my way

It is so odd to me, but, either, as I age …or as I grow older in recovery, I am finding myself being drawn back towards Catholicism. I really thought I had completely walked away from that part of my life. I mean, I still have my own parts of it that I cherish. My prayer booklets, my devotional cards, my Catholic bible, my rosaries, my memories with my grandmothers (which are so deeply intertwined with the church) – but, I really thought that was the whole of it. I never really thought I would be drawn back to it any more than that. But I find that I am being slowly drawn back in – bit by bit. I don’t know that I will ever be a full-fledged practicing Catholic again, but, I am not fighting the urges for closeness to certain things Catholic – like downloading Rosary software (to be used to walk you through saying your rosary), and watching EWTN every now and then, and almost going to Mass last Sunday at the adorable little church right up the street from my house. (No, I didn’t go – had a spat with hubby and was too sad to go anywhere.) But I still want to. And I won’t fight that. I realize that I might get there and get too sad, missing my grandmothers and need to leave – or something like that, but, I’ll deal with that then if it happens. I’m just trying to stay open about it.