Soul-Flower Labor Day Sale

Sweet! Nothing like a groovy sale at Soul-Flower! Awesome!
And you should totally check out the new stuff – there are two skirts that I am just dying to get!

Hellish Week

  • Hurricane at my son’s new home of just three weeks
  • Absessed Tooth
  • Ball Game Thursday night, instead of Friday – when I need to be working
  • Car Wreck
  • Migraine due to hurricaney weather
  • Out of prozac
  • Oh yeah, and my internet was down for 3+ days and is still sorta wonky

I’m feeling a nervous breakdown. Just a itty bitty one. Or a big one.

I just want to go to bed for two or three days. I need to pull it together, though – get my shit together. Breathe and figure things out.

Jumping Jupiter, the damn police report costs five damn dollars – which I, of course, don’t have. And I don’t have grocery money for next week.

I’m sinking and I’m falling and I’m just barely treading water. I hate when life is like this.

The really stinky part is that I just came OUT of a depression and was doing better. See, my husband’s uncle, who we dearly love – passed away a few weeks ago. It was totally unexpected. Completely.

And then a day later, my oldest left for college – 5 hours away. Right – in that silly hurricane zone. So I kind of crashed for a couple weeks. Had that black cloud thing.

There was a really great article on CNN about depression and I loved the way she described it. I think she said something like, ‘putting on the grey sweater’. Something like that – and yep – because it just kind of wraps you up in it. And you’re stuck, for the time being anyway.

So I think I’m wearing the grey sweater again.

And you know what’s funny? Or strange …or what the hell ever….  migraines weaken my resolve against depression. I can very easily get depressed while fighting them. That’s stinky, huh?

Ok, I’m a rambling whiney butt. I think I’ll just shut up now.

Google, Leave My Baby Alone!

Okay, well, my baby, Patrick, is almost nineteen years old! (Ah jumpin’ jeeminy, that’s RADICALLY HORRIBLE!) But – he’s still my baby. And anyway….this is what happened just now.

I have the Google Notifier thing, I think it’s an Mac App. Yeah, that’s it, it’s a Mac app – so it’s always up there in the bar up top. And a few minutes ago, it popped up with this message…

And I was like, “Hey! How do they know my Patty? What the heck is going on?”
But then I realized it was from Smart Passive Income, run by none other than Pat Flynn, and I realized he was blogging about a message Google had sent to him. Duh me! 
(It’s so funny when I say “duh me!” because, it sounds like “du..mmy”. So it’s kind of a double whammy of DUH!) ((Either that or I’m just a complete goob.))
Anyhoo, so I carry on with my ADHD-fueled web-surfing, etc. and my phone goes off with a text message. It’s from Twitter, more specifically, from my cool friend, Loretta. But look what it says:
And I realize, ZOMG! Google is after my kids, after all! Ack! 
I thought that was funny and silly and serendipitous in a goofy, but, not flowing-spiritual-goodness kind of way and I definitely thought I had to share it. So here it is. 
Perhaps, I’ve sealed my goobness. But it’s been shared. 
It was like an itch I had to scratch. 
You know the feeling. 

Blog CPR by Nicole Dean

Your blog is your baby. You love it, nurture it, and treat it with tender, loving care but it’s still not doing that thing you wanted it to do when you gave birth to it.

It’s Not making money.

It seems like every other blog you read has a great following and is making a ton of cash
and you’re a tiny bit jealous of their success but, don’t let looks fool you.

Not every blogger out there is making more money than you are (no matter what appearances say) so stop with the envy and put your time & energy into making YOUR blog the best blog it can be. It’s time to put on the blinders and revitalize your lifeless blog.

When you order Blog CPR, Nicole will teach you things like:

  • how to come up with endless content topics and quick blog post ideas (kiss writer’s
  • block goodbye, oh yeah!)
  • what to do when you don’t want to or can’t write a single word (by legitimately using
  • Other People’s Content – with their permission, of course)
  • why plagiarizing yourself makes you one smart cookie (not to mention a richer one)
  • how to spice up your blog with easy but meaty posts involving other experts
  • and bloggers (and they’ll thank you for it)
  • why and how to use Private Label Rights content (even if you’ve never considered it
  • before)
  • where to find done-for-you blog posts that actually make you money (this is my favorite
  • blogging-for-money shortcut!)
  • a collaborative technique Nicole personally uses, which produces high-quality, unique
  • content in a flash and tons of links from people with vast audiences (nobody else does
  • this but after you get Blog CPR, you will too!)
  • how to outsource writing and other parts of blogging so can finally enjoy
  • being a blogger instead of being a slave to your blog (you’ll be surprised how affordable this is)

Stop struggling with your blog and let Nicole show you how to have a healthy, flourishing
blog and help to increase your REACH, grow your LIST & ultimately make more MONEY. It
only takes a small investment to get started.

It’s a no-brainer really. Do you want to keep doing what you’re doing with the results
you’re currently seeing or are you ready to become a blogging success story?

Visit Blog CPR to get started with your very first lesson now.

Are You Confused About PLR Articles?

I absolutely love private label rights articles, a.k.a. PLR articles, or even just PLR. My friends and I buy it up like candy! 😉 It can be so helpful in getting your brain going on a topic. Sometimes it is just hard to get started, you know? And PLR provides a great framework from which you can start – and knock out some killer content!

You have to be buying it from good, reputable sources, though. And Nicole Dean’s PLR site is one of the oldest and definitely one of the best. I can always count on her articles to be top notch.

She is having a sale right now that will knock your socks off! Read her awesome explanations about PLR and what it is and how to use it and then I’ll tell you how to partake of the sale.

4 Common Misconceptions About PLR Content
by: Nicole Dean

Recently, in an interview, I was asked this question:

“Can you explode any misconceptions that stop people from using PLR content?”

Here is my answer.

There are four main myths that I run into regularly.

  1. The biggest misconception that people have is that all PLR is crap.
  2. The second biggest misconception is that ghostwriters are not good writers. We can even take that a step further and add that people assume they are stupid, taken advantage of, and/or they don’t speak English as their native language.
  3. The third misconception is that using PLR takes away from your expert status.
  4. The fourth misconception is that PLR and ghostwriting are somehow dishonest.

Let’s run through those one by one.

Myth #1: All PLR is Crap.

If you go back to about 2003, then I’d say that you are absolutely correct. Nearly all PLR at that time was junk. There may have been a few exceptions, but I wouldn’t touch most of that PLR content with a 10-foot pole.

We’ve made great strides in the last few years to raise the standards for what is acceptable and what is not in the PLR world. I’d like to think that I was one of the leaders in that movement.

Myth #2: Ghostwriters are Stupid.

I’ve got to tell you that I’ve worked with some ghostwriters who are brilliant in many ways. Oftentimes, they’re fabulous communicators, smart marketers, and hard working entrepreneurs. And, yes, they’re qualified to write quality information on many topics on the internet.

For instance, for a long time, I had a nurse writing my health PLR articles. I’ve also got a writer who graduated from Stanford University, who writes for several popular print magazines, and is a published author. Yes, she has her own book. And, another who had a career as a Political Speech Writer (before having children). That’s just three of my writers. They’re all amazing people, each with a variety of skills and life experience.

To assume they aren’t capable of writing quality content would be just silly.

I don’t just go to and take the lowest bidder. To think that’s how all PLR sites work would certainly be a misconception.

Myth #3: You’re Not a “Real” Expert if you Use PLR.

The other misconception is that using PLR articles takes away your own value as the expert. That you are somehow cheating, plagiarizing, or that you’re a phony if you use PLR.

If ONLY you could see my customer list. It reads like the “Who’s who of Successful Online Business Owners”.

Business is all about cutting costs while increasing the bottom line. What better example is there than PLR content?

If you use PLR articles as drafts, they are delivered to you, ready for you, as the expert, to add your unique thoughts to them.

If you look at PLR like that – you can still keep your personality in your brand – and your sanity at the same time.

Myth #4: Using Ghostwriters or PLR is Cheating.

Most biographies in the bookstores are written by ghostwriters.

Most of the famous orations from our history were written by someone other than the public figure who gave the speech.

It’s not cheating to get help. It’s smart business.

Nicole Dean is the owner of – where you’ll find high-quality PLR articles sold in very limited quantities. The PLR articles at EasyPLR are professionally written and professionally edited — top quality at an affordable price.

THE AWESOME SALE at EasyPLR: Nicole is running a half off sale, for a very limited time. To get the half off price, enter the coupon code: LIFEISGOOD when you order! But, hurry – this sale won’t last long! I think she said until/through the 12th.

Elephants on Pinterest

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Are you on Pinterest? I just love that site! This is one of my favorite pins, in a board I’ve named “Heffalumps – I love them!”

Isn’t this the absolute sweetest picture? A moment with a father, his son, and their ellie. So precious.

I call them that from that part in Winnie the Pooh. Man, that part scared me as a kid. I love it now, though.

You should join me on Pinterest if you’re not on there – it’s so much fun!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Hangout With President Obama

Did you watch the hangout on Google+ with President Obama? How cool was that?

The video was having some trouble and my husband kept talking – at me, at the president, and then the video just stopped playing…so I eventually gave up on it, but, how dang cool was that? I love how open President Obama has been to new media, social media, even keeping his Blackberry. I just love that about him.

I missed the one question I was looking for, too, and that was the one about the British college student being extradited to the United States over linking to copyrighted material. I’m going to have to watch the whole thing over again and see if he ever got to that one.

This was definitely a cool thing, though. Totally awesome!

Thought about it

Post contributed by Alfredo Gaines

I thought about dishnetwork for the house but the last thing I wanted was for my kids to get too addicted to TV. I love that they’re so young that they still want to be at home all the time but you know, at the end of the day I know they’re going to grow up and eventually want to be off with their friends and not so much at home with mom. I love my kids but I want to make sure I’m choosing really educational shows because I don’t want them to end up being brainfried because I plop them down in front of the TV too much. I wish I had more time to sit down and teach them things but between the grocery shopping and the cooking and the laundry I feel like my work around here is never done so I’m just trying to find a way to feel good about being a mom but also being able to give my kids what they need. It’s a hard balance!

Soul-Flower Blog: GIVEAWAY!! Freaks & Geeks May Apply. Inquire Withi…

Soul-Flower Blog: GIVEAWAY!! Freaks & Geeks May Apply. Inquire Withi…: “A favorite moment from the short lived, but nonetheless amazing series, Freaks and Geeks , is the episode where Nick convinces Lindsay to …”

Totally, totally awesome ya’ll! My very favorite online store is having a back to school giveaway and let me tell you, the goodie bag is CHOCK O BLOCK FULL of totally awesome and groovy stuff! And not only that, the goodie bag itself is a rockin’ cool gift! Seriously – go check it out! You can thank me later! 😉

Soul-Flower Blog: Hometown Tourist: Cutting Floor Hippie Dress Revie…

Soul-Flower Blog: Hometown Tourist: Cutting Floor Hippie Dress Revie…: “Hey Buds! Making the best of this wonderful sunshine? So I got a little piece of the islands with me for the past couple weeks. My friend …”

This dress is so pretty! Go check it out – I love it!!