Archives for February 2011

Cali Lewis Reviews The Chrome Cr-48

Have you heard that Google has come out with their own …um… machine? There really is nothing like it out there at all. So what exactly to call it is kind of tricky to figure out. It is basically a small laptop that is cloud-based ONLY. When you log in, you are logging into your Google account.

Here’s Cali’s take on it so far:

So the machine is ALL INTERNET. And that’s it. If you want to, say, save a document – you are going to do so in Google Docs. In the cloud. Same with pictures, and everything else.

Want to type a report? Create a spreadsheet? Anything you do will be done in the cloud, via Google.

Definitely an interesting concept, if you ask me. Will be interesting to see how far it goes – in terms of users and popularity. This could be a great machine for someone totally new to computers, I think. I mean, I think I’d like it too, but, I don’t think I could depend on it as my sole machine. I really am liking the sound of it, though.

Last Chance Highway

Written by my friend Judson Kelly

I have an absolute adoration for puppy dogs. Actually, I love dogs of any species and any age. I love just seeing dogs happy and content with an owner that they love. There are too many pooches that end up abandoned in today’s harsh world. The show, “Last Chance Highway,” depicts the lives of two people seeking to give every abandoned and abused dog a healthy and happy home. I love watching this show on my Satellite TV Specials with my own pet puppy. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

This is a great show to watch for those who have compassion for dogs. If you are a dog lover, then you must watch this show to see how dogs can be saved by the simple kindness of humans. This show actually inspires me to rescue dogs and give them loving homes. One of my dreams in life is to be able to start a community organization that gives all of the stray dogs in my town a home. I would love to see every puppy end up in a loving home.

Overall, I recommend this show for any pet owner. It does not matter if you have a pet dog or not, you will still feel compassion for these poor animals. It is a great show to watch to learn empathy with animals.


Thanks so much for the guest post, Judson! My mom told me about that show – I really need to check it out!

Momma’s Got An Attitude!

This morning was a wee bit rough. The kids seemed to all be grumpy. Urgh! It’s wearing on me. It’s so weird, because, when the kids were munchkins, I was so good at detaching myself from it. I didn’t take it personally, it didn’t hurt my feelings, I didn’t get sad, etc., etc. My husband, though – it really would bug him – it would totally get under his skin.

And now it is like it is the exact opposite. He’s okay with it, knows they’re teenagers and their angst and frustrations often have little to nothing to do with us. And he doesn’t get his feelings hurt or get overly upset. I, on the other hand, completely crumble. It is so weird.

Now neither time, the kids being munchkins – or the kids being teenagers, is completely black and white. Nothing really is totally black and white though, right? Every now and they when they were little, I would get upset, and every now and then nowadays, my hubby gets upset. For the most part, though, it is/was as I described.

And you know teens hate mornings. They are just often quite miserable for no more reason than that. There are some kind of studies about it. I know, I just can’t bring them to mind right now. So, often – I try to have a protective wall up and not let my attitude/day be ruined, because the kids were grumpy. That is so hard to do, though.

This morning, I wound up all upset and sad and mad and all that. And that is when I decided to pour my freshly-poured HOT cup of coffee out of my sweet, groovy, happy Hippie cup and into this giant cup of ATTITUDE!!!

That’s right! I decided to just TAKE BACK my attitude and not let moods of others so strongly influence the outcome of my own day!

And you know what?