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I Need A Rockstar!

Not some long-haired, skinny pants-wearin’ rocker. No, not that at all. I’m way too old for that nonsense! What I need is a Zero Carb Rockstar. I’m so sleepy and having trouble getting moving. It’s the day after a MONDO MIGRAINE, so I’m completely out of it. I went to bed last night on both Benadryl and Phenergan, thanks to my lovely cerebral visitor.

Before I fell completely asleep in my recliner in the living room, I looked up at my daughter and her good friend, Regina – and said, “Oh hello, Brianna.” Brianna is one of my daughter’s other good friends!!! I looked this kiddo straight in the face and called her someone else. I was only jarred out of my fog by the girls’ reaction to my greeting! LOL!!

It would so stupendously cool if I could buy Rockstar in bulk! Like this:

Or heck, maybe even this:

Today, though – it’d just be nice if I had one! I sure could use it!

I Conquered Two Countries

I really didn’t mean to do it. It was totally an accident. I know – I bet you never knew that someone could conquer one country by accident, let alone two. Well, hey – I read yesterday about a woman who gave birth to a 9lb 9oz baby – and she didn’t even know she was pregnant. So cut me some slack here, wouldja?

You wanna see what happened?

I was just cleaning things up and…

Poor guys.


Alabama School Closings

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