Archives for October 2007

An easy way to find hotels provides all kinds of information on hotels in various cities. You can get discounted rates on all levels of hotels, because, the hotels book rooms directly through the Easy To Book system, and that is cheaper for them to do. You also do not have to pay any reservation fees. They give a lot of information on each hotel to help you make your decision better. They tell prices, obviously, but, they go much further than that. They let you know about all the different services and room services available, times for check in and check out, information on taxes, and even distances to popular sites nearby.

The site features two of my favorite, dream destination cities. The first one is New York. Thanks to my wonderful mother, I have actually already made this trip, but, we are both wanting to go back very badly. So I am always looking at New York hotels and sites online, planning the next trip in my head.

One of the other places that I have always wanted to go is Paris. I honestly don’t know if this trip will ever happen, but, it is so exciting to ‘plan’ it anyway! I love checking out all of the things people do when they visit Paris. With all of the maps provided on, I can get my trip all planned out!

About Lisa


I’m a work at home mom, addicted to the internet. I have a few hippie tendencies, but, I also have a few qualities that kick me out of the ‘hippie club’ faster than you can say ‘hippie club’. I thoroughly enjoy spelunking through my brain, surveying the territory for interesting topics, and sharing them with you. I also find caves fascinating, though I do not venture very far into them. I leave that for my husband, kids, and brother!

Vampire Chef Sammie and her Halloween recipes

Isn’t she cute, ya’ll? Don’t ya think she should have her very own cooking show?

You can check out the awesome, wonderful, stupendously fun cookbook right here:

DJ LOVES his personalized music!!!!

I recently told you about sending my nephew in Dallas a CD of songs personalized just for him. Well, I got the call I’d been waiting for – he got it! And he LOVED it!!!

My brother called yesterday and was telling me all about it! I’m so excited!

The CD came from and it is so cool! They didn’t have DJ, so I chose Daniel. And on the CD, like ..actually …physically – on the CD is his name. You know, on the label. So DJ knew that his name was ON the CD, but when he heard the people actually singing his name, he completely flipped OUT! So cool!!! Oh gosh, I wish I could’ve been there!

But knowing DJ so well, and hearing my brother describe his reaction, I felt like I was there!

And when more and more of the songs played – singing his name – he said,

Dad! Aunt Lisa told ALL those people my name!”

It cracks me up just typing it! Man, I love that kid! He said another cute thing, but, now I can’t remember it – I knew I should’ve posted this yesterday!

And, I was quite amused and quite pleased to hear that his favorite of all the songs was, “You’re A Winner!” And it tickled me absolutely pink to tell Patrick that when he got home from school! Fourteen-year olds – what do they know, anyway?

Channeling DJ’s Spidey hands

I must be channeling my Spidey-obsessed nephew in Dallas – that’s all I can figure is happening. Otherwise, I might just be turning into Spiderwoman. See, the problem started about two weeks ago. And, actually, at first, it was quite funny. Now, it is getting a bit annoying, if not disturbing. What’s happening is – “Spidey hands”.

Yeah, that’s right – “Spidey hands”. I can NOT stop making them. When I want to point at something, like I’m talking to you and I’m showing you something ‘on that wall over there’ – “Spidey hands”. Or say I’m explaining something to you and I’m involuntarily emphasizing my words with my hands – yep, “Spidey hands”. When a good song comes on and I start dancing around to the music – yep, you guessed it – “Spidey hands”.

You know, you know – when he does this little number:
This is the weirdest thing. I could see it maybe if it started happening right after we got back from Dallas, because, I did spent lots and lots of time with DJ while we were there.

But for it to just come up out of the blue like this and afflict me so strongly – it’s odd. Just plain odd.

I wonder if I’ll need some kind of antibiotic for it or something?

Ok, so I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box….

You know that ouchy arm of mine? Ok, yeah – so well, my arm has been hurting up by my shoulder, so after I got out of the shower….I put some Freeze It on it. And it helped, but, now my elbow is hurting. But, that’s neither here nor there…

Back to that dull crayon business…I was in the kitchen doing dishes, and I got hot in the corner there with all that hot water running. So I was sweating a bit.

Here’s where I get dumb. I take off my glasses to oh-so-daintily wipe the sweat from each side of the brow with each shoulder….in my most feminine way, of course.

However, if you will step back a line or two ….to where I said I put Freeze It on my shoulder?

Yeah – I rubbed it all across my eye! Smooth!

I felt my face getting tingly warm, and I thought, ‘What the heck?’

Yeah, so – I wiped my eye again – with a clean section of my shirt. A non-Freeze It’d section, that is.

My vision was blurry for about half an hour, but, I think we’re okay now. Yeah.

Just remember, folks – Freeze It + eyeballs – not the best combination! Like I needed to tell you that! It’s only us Lucy Ricardo-types that need that information actually shared with us!

Oh yeah – and that ouchy arm? It looks worse today – you know how bruises go through their loverly array of colors….

I’ll try to snap a pic if the camera will cooperate – it keeps eating the batteries!

Mean old blood-drawin’ lady!!

Let me tell you what my captions say, as I’m just getting the hang of my JengoFett! Ok, it’s not really called that – but, that’s just how I remember it! It’s really called Jing – you can find it at It’s really pretty cool, I’m just not that great with it yet. Anyhoo – counter-clockwise from the top…..(1) Those are birthmarks! Not ouchy! (2) Ouchy #1. Regular blood-draw bruising. Site of needle prick. 🙁 (3) Even made the crook of my arm red. Wah! (4) Ouchy #2. Site of pure evil. In 22 years of psych. treatment, never had one of these. WTH is it, anyway? A blood blister? A blood somethin?

Ok, and then I just had to include an ‘un-touched’ photo for pure documentation purposes. Either that, or I’m just a weirdo.

Yes, it is true. I am a wimp. And I’m also a nerd who likes to show off her ‘injuries’! HA!

Anyhoo – had some blood drawn today to test the level of Tegretol in my system and to make sure it’s not completely killing my liver – yet.

And I was horribly injured! Horribly! It was awful!!

Ok, I might just be exaggerating….just a tad. But, I did find it interesting that I got some type of blood blister thingy this time. That’s never happened before. And even the crook of my arm was reddened.

I think my body just would like to keep all of it’s blood. Thank you very much.

Pregnant mare up there?

I was just looking closer at the sweet horses in my header, and I’m thinking the one on the right is a precious and pregnant mare! Anyone else agree with that? 🙂

Grandmamom’s old red traincase

I have my grandmother’s old red traincase on my dresser and I just love it and love having it there, out in the open like that! I miss the old luggage sets, the way they looked when I was a kid and when my grandmother was a young woman. But also, having it in here, in plain view, makes me feel like I have a piece of my grandmother in my room with me. And that just fills my spirit with warmth.

I also think of the days when my grandmother and her sisters and brother would ride the train to go somewhere. Traveling was a big deal then, a big affair. Everyone would get dressed up and it was a real treat. The journey itself was actually part of the trip.

I know the one time that I took the train, I absolutely loved it! I cannot wait until I can take my own kids for a train ride. Even if we only go a short way like I did (from Dallas to Austin) we will have so much fun!

I know we have a lot of totally cool modern conveniences in this day and time (the internet! could NOT live without it!) but, there are just some things about the past that seem so special and so magical. And I see a little bit of that ‘magic’ in my mind’s eye every time I glance over at my dresser!

Lots of knives for Mark – oh no!

We’ve discovered lots of really neat things out here in our new town. One of the things that thorougly interested Mark, my knife-addicted man, is Bear Cutlery. He has been so excited to have a knife manufacturer so close to us – and I, of course, have been so nervous. I tell you, if there is one thing that man can spend money on – it’s knives! Eeks! We may be living in a box under a bridge – filled with knives – before too long! The tidbit about that business that I found so interesting, was that Swiss Army actually bought Bear Cutlery at one point, but, one of the original owners of Bear Cutlery, recently bought it back from Swiss Army. I would love to know the details of how that all went down. I think it’s time for me to go on a Google journey – I can spend half a day tracking stuff like that down! The internet has turned us all into private investigators, huh? 😉