Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tips

There’s a super helpful video on YouTube by Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen that I hope you’ve all seen. In it he gives us all Grocery Shopping Tips in COVID-19. The video went viral, so hopefully you have seen it.

YouTube user, Leptonaut, also gave some great advice in the comments. They were so helpful that I wanted to compile them into a shareable format. This first post is his main comment, in which he shared some good tips. I’ll make another post with his following comments about how best to manage things amid this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Leptonaut1 week ago (edited) [27th Mar 20 — 3:56:33 am]

I’m a westerner in China. I’ve been in self-lockdown for over two months.

Some things I do…

  • Always wear PPE when going out. That means a respirator mask. Surgical mask only if that’s all you have. Surgical masks protect others from you, not you from others. Goggles (that seal), gloves. And a hat.
  • When I come in, I put all of my clothes, bags, everything in a hallway area. Nothing from outside goes into my house until disinfected. Don’t put your scarf on the sofa, or your gloves on the bed. When you come in, you take off ALL outside clothes and put on your indoor clothes. Completely separate.
  • Avoid going out at all. Don’t “pop out for a few things.” Get everything, and stay in. If I MUST go out for supplies, I always go right before the store closes. I want to go during the time when there are the fewest people and no lines.
  • No restaurant food. No takeout. Period. I make it all myself. Now is not the time for you to be lazy. You don’t have a choice. You’re making food or you’re paying a serious price.
  • No visitors. No matter what.
  • Buy fruits that have a peel or that are EASILY washed. Raspberries are not easily washed. Apples are. Bananas are great. Buy vegetables that will be cooked. No lettuce. Nothing raw. Unless it can be EASILY washed. Lettuce cannot be easily washed. Remember, water does not remove the virus. Soap does. Soap with a good lather. Rinsing, even with warm, or hot water will not work.
  • Your home is only as secure as your weakest link. If your teenage son is popping out for a Big Mac, all of your efforts are in vain. He’s bringing it home to you. And you ain’t lovin’ it.
  • BEFORE you go out, THINK about what you really need or want. Don’t do what we all do during normal times… forget something and go back for that one thing. Think about EVERYTHING you’ll need. Batteries, toothbrushes? A favorite shampoo? Some special ingredient for baking? Candles? Matches? Lighters? You don’t need to hoard everything for doomsday, but give serious thought to what you require.
  • When you shop (rarely, remember), don’t dawdle. Don’t wander around, hang out. Have a list, buy the items, get out. Don’t decide what you’ll need when you get there. Get in, get it quick, then GTFO.
  • Buy some things that are indulgent or make you happy. But understand, you should now be brutally frugal. Try to find cheap alternatives to the things you generally crave. You like doughnuts or cake from the bakery? Can you make it yourself? Video games? Now is the time to play your old titles again, not buy new ones. Try to be comfortable with your creature comforts, but find the cheapest way to do it.
  • If you go out for exercise, stay FAR away from people. Not just 10 feet or 20 feet. 100 feet. 200 feet. Do not go near people at all. This is not hard really. We still have phones and Facetime. You can find ways to socialize without being face-to-face. We already did this before the virus anyway.
  • Simplify your home as much as possible. Clutter makes things chaotic, stressful, harder to clean. It gives you less space and makes you feel imprisoned. This is a great time to organize your home. Have less. Don’t bother bringing donations to places like Goodwill or Salvation Army though. I guarantee they’ll just send it to the landfill. Even before the virus, those donation places would throw things away by default rather than clean them. If you bring them there for donation, it’s like throwing them in a dumpster. Put the things you don’t want into storage neatly and give it away months from now when this (hopefully) has died down.
  • Now is the time to reduce. To get your excesses and indulgences in order. You like to grab eight handfuls of TP to wipe your ass? Now, you’re using a couple of squares. Only what is required. Never finish leftovers because it’s not appetizing? Start.
  • Even after you’ve sterilized your groceries, assume they are still contaminated. For example, if you wiped off the bag of chips, you should still assume it’s contaminated. Empty the chips into a clean bowl, put the bag away, wash your hands, then eat the chips from the bowl. Yes, this is obnoxious and nobody likes this, but it’s an extra layer of safety.
  • In China, I’m in an apartment, so there’s only one way into my home. If you have a house with multiple entrances, I’d recommend picking one and making that the ONLY way in and out. Lock the others and insist those in your household only use the one entry point. Makes it easier to apply a system.
  • When you select items at the store, pick ones that are in the back or high up. This means they’ll likely have been kept away from kids or people coughing on the merchandise. Grab something at the top and away from easy reach.
  • Last thing… DON’T FORGET… the virus is just a machine. It’s not a demon. It’s not a ghost. It’s not a vengeful villain. It just follows its path. It also doesn’t care about your efforts or intentions. You don’t get credit for trying really hard or “doing your best.” You only get rewarded for efficacy.
  • Leptonaut1 week ago [27th March 20 — 11:44:36 am]

    Full disclosure, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not a healthcare professional. I’m a layperson who has gathered what I think is the best information, but I’m not an expert. Stay safe.


Stay safe everyone!

Exercise Equipment For Your Home

I have really been wanting to do more exercise lately. It’s kind of hard for me right now, because, I messed up my foot a few months ago. When it heals up, though, I do think it would be cool to have some kind of equipment at home. At one time, I had a recumbent bike and I really liked that thing. I’m not even sure why we got rid of it. We probably sold it because we needed the money. Or it might have been when we were moving into a smaller house and had no room for it. is a website that sells exercise equipment to consumers and they deliver and assemble it for you, as well. The site itself and the people behind it seem very supportive and helpful in your quest to get fit. They have a live chat available and a free help line and a very active blog. On the blog, they just had a very cool contest where they gave away three different kinds of exercise equipment. They gave away an upright bike, a recumbent bike and a set of dumbbells. Awesome!

One of the brands they carry is Tunturi. They sell Tunturi treadmills, as well as Tunturi ellipticals. Those ellipticals are so cool and look like so much fun! Not to mention a major workout! I think I’d have to work up from about 30 seconds on the thing! Seriously! LOL!

There is a cool website that bills itself as “The Online Self-Improvement Encyclopedia” – now I could really dig into that site! For hours, probably! Anyway, they have a page chock full of Information on Exercise Equipment. It seems that you could find out just about anything you want to know digging through that list!

Who knows, maybe one day soon this stupid foot of mine will heal up and I will get myself a new something or other! I noticed the other day that my mother-in-law even has a new piece of exercise equipment! No fair!

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Ouch! More pain in my mouth!

I have really got to get myself to the dentist – I don’t know how long it has been, but, I think it would freak me out more if I could actually remember! I just went and brushed my teeth after lunch, and another spot is hurting! Geez! I’m not sure if it’s the tooth or my gums that are hurting this time. I think it’s the gums. Wow – if you look at that picture and how it shows the nerves going up to the gums – yeowtch! Just looking at that right now hurts my mouth! LOL

We have found a wonderful dentist in the next town over and he’s done some great work on one of our sons, I’ll probably have to just start saving up and go to him. I remember one time, years back, I went to some dental chain. Who knew? Before that, I had no idea there was such a thing. And the other weird thing about them is that they were in the mall. Go to the dentist in the mall? Now that felt really strange. They were pretty good though and I remember their being really nice, as well. The dentist took his time explaining everything to me and making sure that I understood everything. That would be the last thing I’d expect from a chain dental office. The image in my mind is more like an assembly line.

In fact, I once went to a dentist that felt exactly like an assembly line. It was awful. And the dumb girl tried to talked me into xrays when I really didn’t want them, because, I was pregnant. I just didn’t feel like it was that urgent and let me tell you, I worried about that for weeks afterward! That was just the kind of place it was – sell ’em and sell ’em hard! Jerks! After an experience like that, I can understand why someone would want to go to a San Diego sedation dentist! Or worse, some of the stories my mom and people from her generation tell about going to the dentist when they were kids! Scary!!!

I’ve never been entirely happy with the looks of my teeth, though, and I would love to go to a San Diego cosmetic dentist and have something done. What? I don’t even really know what all would need doing, but, I just don’t like my teeth all that much.

My daughter has braces and my husband is now thinking that he will get them, too. And so we got into a discussion about the looks of our teeth. They think I’m being silly and that I should be grateful for my teeth. I totally understand where they’re coming from, but, if I did have the money for it, I would have some kind of something or other done to spruce mine up, too!

Image credit: Wikipedia 

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Too much testosterone!

There was just way too much of it in my house last night! Way too much! See, I lost my Sammie girl to her friend, Brianna’s house – for a sleepover. And then the boys had their cousin, David, over to spend the night with us. And then Mark brought home his brother, Eric, and he was spending the night, too.

The testosterone over-abundance didn’t really hit me until Mark called us all to dinner. I walked in that room, and I was like, “Oh my gawd! There’s too much testosterone in here – even the damn dog!” They all laughed at me. I just had a little moment of panic as I walked in the room and realized how completely outnumbered my poor, little self was!

I’ve been wondering, lately, if it’s almost time for me to supplement my estrogen supply, since I have had a hysterectomy and I am approaching *eeeks* my forties. (Did I just say that?!)

Well, see, though – had I already started with a progesterone supplement, I could’ve been uber sneaky last night and rubbed a little on each of those domineering men-type folks in my house last night and evened the score a little! Ha!

Prometa – interesting and controversial

There is a new triple cocktail of pharmaceuticals that doctors are giving to alcoholics and drug addicts to sober them up for good. Huh. I’m pretty much totally not convinced. There is an article, however, about a man who was in and out of drug rehab and just was not getting off of the meth and ‘doing his life’. He goes in for these drugs and now he’s living life on life’s terms, he says. There are three drugs in the cocktail, and the addicts go in for three days in a row to get them administered. One doctor even said that the patients come in agitated and irritable, and get up twenty minutes later just feeling great. I must remain skeptical about this one.

Indigestion! Indigestion!

I’ve got some dumb song stuck in my head and I’m not even sure what song it is! I have the worst indigestion – it seems like just about anything can give me indigestion lately. And the song that is stuck in my head is a made up one!

You know the guys that did the ‘Conjunction, Junction – What’s Your Function?’ song… It’s that educational cartoon that used to come on Saturday mornings between our ‘real’ cartoons. And one of those songs is repeating endlessly in my head with its words changed to …. you guessed it!

Singer “In – di – ges – tion! In– di – ges – tion!” Singer

So silly!

Oh no! Another kid coughing!

It’s 11pm and I can hear a kid up who can’t sleep for coughing! Nooo! We can’t have any more sickness in this house! Well, Sammie has sick days available, but, the boys sure don’t! And it is Patrick that is coughing!

Our little mini-district has a five-absence-per-semester rule – after that the children need doctor’s notes in order for their absences to be excused. And if your absence is unexcused, your grades for that day’s work? Zeros! Ack! Zeros? That’s terrible.

A lot of times kids get sick and it doesn’t warrant a trip to the doctor. This is a hard rule to follow.

We just had our town Christmas parade, and Patrick and the school band were in it – so hopefully he just got chilled and his allergies are acting up. He doesn’t usually catch the infections that are going around, and if he’s just ‘sort of’ sick, I’m not taking him to the doctor – just to ‘buy’ an excused absence! That’s $50 for an excuse note!

No more coughing, kid! And most definitely, for sure – no Ill

Mean old blood-drawin’ lady!!

Let me tell you what my captions say, as I’m just getting the hang of my JengoFett! Ok, it’s not really called that – but, that’s just how I remember it! It’s really called Jing – you can find it at It’s really pretty cool, I’m just not that great with it yet. Anyhoo – counter-clockwise from the top…..(1) Those are birthmarks! Not ouchy! (2) Ouchy #1. Regular blood-draw bruising. Site of needle prick. 🙁 (3) Even made the crook of my arm red. Wah! (4) Ouchy #2. Site of pure evil. In 22 years of psych. treatment, never had one of these. WTH is it, anyway? A blood blister? A blood somethin?

Ok, and then I just had to include an ‘un-touched’ photo for pure documentation purposes. Either that, or I’m just a weirdo.

Yes, it is true. I am a wimp. And I’m also a nerd who likes to show off her ‘injuries’! HA!

Anyhoo – had some blood drawn today to test the level of Tegretol in my system and to make sure it’s not completely killing my liver – yet.

And I was horribly injured! Horribly! It was awful!!

Ok, I might just be exaggerating….just a tad. But, I did find it interesting that I got some type of blood blister thingy this time. That’s never happened before. And even the crook of my arm was reddened.

I think my body just would like to keep all of it’s blood. Thank you very much.