Daily prayer makes all the difference

I have to say that I am still amazed what a difference daily prayer makes in my life. When I remember to hit my knees in the morning, and at night when I go to bed, my life runs a lot smoother and a lot happier. Maybe I don’t even want to say ‘happier’. It’s more like – fulfilled. That is it – I walk through my life feeling more fulfilled when I am ‘plugging into the source’ twice a day. I love the way this one older gentleman I used to know would talk about it. He talked about it like plugging a power cord into an electrical outlet. I love that analogy, and I can really wrap my brain around it.

I do think it’s funny that after several years of sobriety, I am still amazed at the power of those two tiny little bits of action on my part. Amazed I am, though.

I realized this morning that I hadn’t been praying for several days – this is what has it on my mind. I don’t know when I stopped or why I stopped. One might think with all the rush of Thanksgiving, I would forget to pray. That wasn’t it, though. I specifically remember praying while my mom and dad were here. It was such a special time we had and I remember talking to God about it. I talk to God a lot during the day, but, those times on my knees are much more ‘in touch’, if you will. And I remember being ‘in touch’ with God when Momma and Daddy were here.

You know what I bet it was? And this is so super silly. Sometimes when I go to bed at night, Lucky is in my way, and it is very hard to kneel down beside the bed. Put 120 pounds of dog in my two feet ‘hallway’ between my dresser and my bed, and things are a little cramped. Ha! You should see me trying to get up in the middle of the night to pee! That’s a funny sight!

I don’t really know if that is what it was that caused me to stop, but, I do know that, just in case it was, I shall pray at the end of the bed at night if I need to do so. It’s weird, because, in the morning, I just hit my knees wherever, sometimes even in the dining room next to a chair. At night, though, I’m so picky about how my bedtime routine goes. I guess I better nip that in the bud!

Ok, so ya’ll remember to ‘plug in’ tonight – I know I will! (And thanks, Lloyd – for the cool analogy!)

Healthy habits for Tues, February 20

I don’t remember what I missed, but, I didn’t make the whole list.

I know I missed exercise, and I may have forgotten to pray in the morning.

But – I’m making an adjustment to that one. One of the most valuable things that my precious AA sponsor taught me was that I could start my day over anytime.

Total surprise! You mean, if I had a rotten morning, I could still have a good afternoon, for example? Yep! You sure can.

And one way that I make sure to facilitate this, is to hit my knees anytime of day! Especially if I have forgotten in the morning! Or heck, even an extra time! God loves that connection with you!

So usually, when I realize that I’ve forgotten to say my morning prayers, no matter what time it is, I will hit my knees and say them!

And so – from here on out – if I do this by a long enough time before bedtime – let’s say 3pm – then I’m going to count it on the list.

Funny thing is, I usually realize sometime around noon. So that is definitely a good time. I guess it would be kind of silly to say my ‘morning prayers’ at 6pm, and then go to bed and say my night time prayers at 8pm. LOL

But if I remember in a reasonable amount of time, I’m counting it.

Because not only does that mean I’m ‘making the list’ – but, more importantly, I’m taking an active role in living the way that my sponsor taught me!

And that rocks! I miss her so damn much – she passed in 1997, and that not only gets me ‘on the beam’, as we AA’s like to say, but, it also makes me feel so much more connected to her!

I definitely prayed today!

Yep – I most definitely prayed this morning!

That’s because I was sobbing and scared to death. I think this move might be even harder than having the hysterectomy – which completely rocked my world! (Yes, I know, I have three beautiful children – but, it’s completely normal for women to get depressed over it. The doc told me senior citizens get depressed over it – and I was only 26!)

Well, plus I lost my precious grandmother and my wonderful best friend, Sammie – right around that time, too. It was just a really, really hard time.

And my father and I weren’t really talking – ugh, I’m getting depressed just thinking about it.

Anyhoo – this move is kicking our asses!

We need $7000 – like, today!

Hubby is talking about selling the van and the truck. Oh my God. I don’t know how we’ll ever get a replacement vehicle – for either one of us.

Our credit is too bad to finance, and we surely won’t have enough money to just outright buy one.

But when you’re stucker than stuck, drastic measures sound like they will save the day.

So there is a real possibility we might lose both vehicles and the house.

I just keep reminding myself that God doesn’t have any grandchildren. And I am trying to feel His loving arms supporting me.

But I am so scared. Or, I was so scared. After having a long (bawling) talk with God this morning, I feel somewhat better. Like I know it all still sucks, but, I’m not scared to death anymore.

God didn’t bring me this far to drop me.