An awesome site for pet supplies

You have to go see this rockin’ cool site for pet supplies! It’s called Internet Pet Emporium and it has some of the coolest stuff I’ve ever seen for pets!

I wish I still had a cat, because their cat houses are really neat! I have always loved those things, anyway, but, they have some amazing ones! Geez, back when I bought my first cat a ‘cat condo’ about seventeen years ago – it was the most basic and simple thing. I wonder how Elvira would’ve liked it if I had bought her one from Internet Pet Emporium – I bet she would have loved it!

Knowing Elvira, I think she would have liked this one the best:

She was very independent (I know, she was a cat, but, I mean – even for a cat!) and she really liked being up high away from people who might possibly mess with her! And she never really liked the ‘inside’ part of the cat condo that I bought her. I think she felt safer ‘seeing’ what was going on around her, so that she could be ‘on top of things’, you know? Well, I was very young at the time I had her (sounds like I’m talking about my child! well, she was my first baby!) and I was going and going all the time, and when I was home, I brought lots of friends, usually. So there was often a lot of chaos in the place! Poor girl! She was such a cool cat – I miss her so much!

Because I was young and single and going all of the time, I would’ve loved to have had one of the pet watering systems from Internet Pet Emporium! That would’ve been so handy! But I guess we did alright with just putting out multiple bowls. Not the most ideal situation, but, it worked for us.

She was just such a cool cat, ya’ll – and she and I were tight! Seriously! She always came to me when I called her – my brother got the biggest kick out of that whenever he would come over.

He would say, “How’s Elvira?” And I’d say, “I don’t know. Let’s find out – Elviiiiiira!”

And into the room she’d come running! I’ve never had a cat, before or since, that would do that! I wish I had a picture to show you of her – she was completely gorgeous – solid black. My pretty girl.

Well, there are definitely a lot of cool things for dogs on Internet Pet Emporium, so I guess I’m just going to have to turn my attention in that direction! I sure miss my sweet girl, though!

I’ve been taking care of horses and dogs

See these two handsome boys?
They have been taking up a good chunk of my time. My mother-in-law has been ill, so I’ve had to take over care for these two sweet boys and her very demanding Yorkie-poo! And let me just tell you, taking care of these two huge beasts is way easier than the demands placed upon me by this shrimpy monster:Yes, he’s cute. Yes, I love him. And yes, he’s a MAJOR PITA!!!!! His name is Baxter, and he is now, THANK THE HOLY HEAVENS, back in his mother’s care. He and Lucky do seem to enjoy each other’s company, but, he is just too much work for me right now. I am still in charge of the sweet, darling horses, though – at least for a couple more days.

I love taking care of the horses, and I love bonding with them, but, I am exhausted, my house is a wreck, and my poor blogs are neglected. Well, most of them, anyway – I’ve been able to do quite a bit of posting at Hippie Spelunker. That’s the only blog that’s really gotten any love lately, though. I’ve just been too busy and tired to be able to fit in much more. I’ve been so tired, especially with all of this heat and humidity, that I’ve felt like maybe I needed a humidifier! Maybe I could get one like the one my mother-in-law borrowed from my nieces – it’s in the shape of a duck! It’s so cute!!

It is definitely filling my spirit up to be spending so much time with Doc and Leo (the horses), but, right now my focus is my online work and I just really don’t have time for extra animals. It’s kind of heartbreaking, because, for the first time in my life I have constant access to horses – something I’ve dreamed about for a very long time! But I have such incredible drive and passion for my work online right now, that it is overshadowing that long-standing dream of being with horses.

It is a strange place to be, really. I guess the things we want so badly in our lives ‘right now’ really do change. You know those things we long for so dearly, that we never think will change. And it’s not really that it’s changed, even. It’s just that building my brand online comes first right now. And I feel a calm peace about the horses – like my time for that will come. And so I’m going to trust that it shall.

And now – I’ve got to go feed two hungry horses their dinner!

Buying pet supplies can be so much FUN!

I thought that Lucy, my mom’s chihuahua, had the coolest indoor pet den. It is like a little palace, made out of a smooth, soft fabric and it is just divine. She has, however, now been outdone. The doggy dens at Internet Pet Emporium are just way too cute! And – they can be used as end tables, too! That’s really cool, because, that way they are taking up less space, you know? See – aren’t they cute?!They have all kinds of pet supplies at! They have some very useful things, like pet feeding and watering devices and even an indoor potty for dogs! But they also have some really cool – and fancy – stuff!

You’ve got to see this dog house – it is the coolest doghouse ever!

I just love that! It’s called, The Barn. They have another one with a cool front porch, and it’s called The Mansion – but, the front porch on The Mansion doesn’t have a roof, so I like The Barn better. I would love to get that for Lucky! I guess he doesn’t really spend enough time outside to really warrant our buying him a dog house, but, I still would love to buy it!

And I’ve always been obsessed with cat houses! I don’t even have a cat right now, and I still ‘shop’ for cat houses! But, when they are as cool as this: ….how can I resist?

You know who has the COOLEST cat habitat ever?? The ASPCA in New York City – that place is the bomb! It almost makes me want to be a cat! But I’m just a weirdo that way!

Do you know what a chicken house looks like?

I sure didn’t. We were driving through the country and we passed these long, low buildings – lots of them, all in a neat row. Mark says, “Yeah. Those are chicken houses.” How the hell did he know? He grew up in Florida! He definitely spent a lot of time out here, though. He is constantly telling me stories about this place or that. Anyway, I sure thought of my friend, Ang. of Ang.’s Chicken Coop, when I saw the chicken houses! I meant to tell her about them and I forgot!

We kept on driving and after a while, there was a sign out in the front of someone’s house that said, “Chickens for Sale”. I imagined that was maybe someone like my friend, Ang., raising them on their own farm and I thought that is so much nicer for the chickens, than to be stuffed in the chicken house like sardines, with a million other chickens.

Of course, in my head popped pictures I’ve seen of chicken houses on the PETA website – ewww! Those were awful, and although not as nice as living on Ang.’s farm, I do hope those chicken houses that I saw were WAY more pleasant than the awful pictures that I saw!

Puppy got a new sweater

And it is the cutest thing!! The kids and I were so excited! Now, Lucky has never worn clothes before, and he is a scaredy cat gentle soul, so I wanted to be as cautious with him as possible in putting it on him. He also has some type of handicap, that I think I’ve told you all about, and so I didn’t want to hurt him, either. So he and I went into another room alone, where it was quiet, so that I could put it on him slowly and gently, while at the same time, loving on him and reassuring him. And guess what? He was fine with it! He pawed at it, barely, for a second or two, and then he was just fine with it. I think he actually kind of liked it. The thing he didn’t like, and never has, is my trying to get his picture. There is no better evidence of this than the shot below, in which he escapes to his favorite spot, under the table while I’m desperately trying to get the perfect shot! See the tail tucked under?

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Silly boy! I must take your picture – you look way too cute! And yes, a 120lb. dog can be cute!Winking 2

We got this sweater from this great online doggy store,, and I was absolutely thrilled that they could accomodate my big boy!

Now, if you’ll notice in the picture above, right above that table is a window letting in lots and lots of sunlight. And as I had to take Lucky’s pic with him under the table, I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to deal with the light. This next picture, barring the horrible light, is actually the best shot, so I had to keep it.

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I got his entire body in the shot and he’s looking up and bright. Now, in this next shot, the light is good, but, the dog looks stoned! Grrr!

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I am just so excited about this sweater, and I can’t wait until it cools off so he can wear it more! I will admit that I was a little disappointed when I first opened it, as I was expecting it to be super-duper soft, like hoodies for us bipeds are. It just has a little bit of a toughness to it. And as it turns out, that is a very good thing, because with pulling it over their elbows and such, you need that toughness. And also, if it were soft like ours, when you wash it, it might get kind of baggy, and not only would that not look very nice, I think it could be dangerous for the dog. So now I am totally, completely happy with the sweater and its level of softness.

Now here is the best picture color-wise, it is just bright and crisp and my little honey bear looks so sweet!

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Isn’t he just a doll?

And then, of course, the kids got into it. Shawn had to go and make him ‘gangsta’:

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Poor, poor Lucky – the crap he puts up with. It was really funny, though – I’ve never seen six pre-teens/teens so excited about one piece of dog clothing! It was great!

My mom and dad both have big dogs, too – I can’t wait to tell them about this online doggie shop! (Unless they’re already reading, in that case, “Hi guys! Go shopping!”)

Since Lucky is such a chicken gentle soul, there was this one tshirt that I wanted for him, because, I thought it would be so funny! But they didn’t have it in his size. Bummer! But lemme just show it to you:

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Isn’t that funny? My little wimpy kind-hearted boy, a certified killer! Cracks me up! You can click on the picture to go to and see that shirt!

Puppy weighs….

120 pounds!!!!

Can you believe it???

I’ll leave the poll up for a bit so you can see the percentages, if you wanna.

My beastly boy…awww….

Dog Gone good stuff for my Lucky boy!

Blogging has been so very cool, in that I am meeting some totally awesome people! I love it! One of those rockin’ people that I’ve met through blogging is this radical chic, Cynthia. You know why she rocks so hard? Because she is an ‘animal people’. And you know what? She lives in Utah! I bet she’s totally been to Best Friends! I’m so jealous! My mom has been there, and when she goes next time, she says she is gonna find a way to take me, too. She just had such a wonderful experience there, that she wants me to experience it, too!

But this is not about Best Friends, even though they rock! This is about Cynthia – and her groovy blog, TipTail. She is having a contest on that blog and the winner will receive a $30 gift certificate to Doggone Good! They have a great variety of wonderful products there for dogs and the people who love them. All we have to do is tell why we think we should win the prize in our post, and then next week, all of the submitted posts will be voted on.

Now, here is my sweet Lucky-boy, otherwise known as “Puppy”:

If you’ve been reading along, you will know that we’ve just been to the vet, and the vet not only informed us that we are overweight, but, that we do, in fact, have a large dog lifespan. Given the fact that he is a large dog, most people would have recognized and come to grips with the fact that he would have a large dog lifespan. Not me. Nope. I lived happily in denial until that silly vet went and opened his mouth. So now I’ve been pretty sad, thinking that my time with Puppy is actually more than halfway through.

Just look how handsome he is:

Wouldn’t you want more time with him? Don’t you think that God could’ve made special arrangements, just this once? Well, given the fact that Puppy and I only have a few (short) more years together, I think we should win this contest, in order to fully enrich our time together! Click ‘Read More…’ to see what Puppy has to say about it!

Puppy says, “Please let my mommy and I win this contest so that we can have the best possible last few years together!”

Look into those eyes! How could you not vote for him???

So get on over to Tip Tail and vote for him! Dalmation

Lucy in the Alabama clover

Remember this sweet little girl I told you about before? Well, she and my momma came to visit us in May! Lucy had a great time while she was here – she was just loved all UP by myself and the kids! (No, not Mark. He doesn’t do the small dog thing. Whatev.)

The day before they left to go back home to Texas, taking my three children with them, Lucy was playing in the clover at my house. Doesn’t she look pretty?

She is so precious!! I know you all love her just as much as I do! Winking 5 Well, anyway – this picture was taken probably right before the poor little thing jumped up in the air like a crazy little Chihuahua! Oh yes, she is a Chihuahua! So, my mom just got in the van with her and went off with Mark and the boys for some sightseeing. I get a call a short bit later, though. Something is wrong. Lucy is acting funny and they are bringing her home. She was crying the whole time in the car.

They bring her home and the poor baby has a stinger in her foot! You know how the bees love that clover! And that crazy jump? Well, yeah, that was probably the moment of deadly impact. (Ok, ok, just for the bee – but, didn’t it sound good and dramatic?)

Anyway, we got the stinger out and Mom left Lucy home with Sammie and I so we could nursemaid her while they went on with their sightseeing. Lucy was sad and a bit whiny the rest of the day, but, by that night – she was totally fine!

Thank goodness – I was so worried about her because she’s so darn small! But she’s a little toughie, that one!

I miss her little ornery self!

P.S. When she’s good and ornery – we call her ‘Lucifer’! Hysterical

Pictures of my overweight beast

Some of my voters (who need to re-vote, by the way) Winking 2 have informed me of the unbelievable unfairness of my poll! “There are no pictures, Lisa” they’ve declared!

So I am here today to make things right! Pictures of my precious beastly beast:

Now – to be fair, the above photo was in the summer of 2004, he was only one and a half years old. I have a shortage of pics due to (ack!) extreme data loss when my poor PC crashed!

This next one, is a bit more fair, as it is at his last birthday party, October 8, 2006 – his fourth birthday. So it is definitely more recent. In the photo, he is eating his cake I made for him. Yes, I made him a cake. Hey – did you get cake on your birthday?

So there you have it, folks – the pics that will help you vote and entertain me while I try out this new Blogger poll feature.

Aren’t my horses pretty?

How do you like the new digs? I was really getting sick of the left sidebar being so wide, and when I couldn’t fix it myself, I decided to go with a whole new theme! And I am so happy that I did! I just love this one! This blog is all about rekindling the real nature of Lisa, and almost nothing touches my spirit more than horses! I just get such a warm, happy feeling looking at them. So this is good.