Uppers come from downers?!

This is just really strange. We all have to get checked out like common criminals just to get our cold medicines, because, amateur chemists like to do funny things with them. But the funny thing is that they (the amateur chemists) turn them into uppers. But, when I take them, they turn me into the zombie queen. (A zombie queen who should just maybe, refrain from writing… ah well!) Anyhoo, the Sudafed I usually get doesn’t usually zombie me out too badly, just a touch, but, my husband accidentally picked up the wrong one. The reason he didn’t notice that it was the wrong one is that it only has two little, bitty letters added onto the end of it. And let me tell you – them’s some STRONG little, bitty letters. Meet the ‘Blog-Posting Zombie Queen’! Yikes! This stinks.

And yet, when the rotten, creepo, street chemists tinker with this stuff, they turn it into UPPERS. Maybe I should be buying it from them, you know?

No drivers license checks, no forms to fill out, no signatures needed – and I get enough energy plus some, to clean the house, or run and play at the park with the kids!

Or maybe the ‘real chemists’ could take classes from the ‘street chemists’. I mean,think of it – the pharmacists are turning us all into zombified space cadets, and the street punks are turning out a bunch of super-charged, energized go-getters!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Why did you get *that* tattoo?!

Tattoo Parlour

Has anyone ever said that to you? Did you go out one night and impulsively have the dumbest thing ever tattooed on your body? Or did you break the cardinal rule and have someone’s name (besides your mother’s) permanently inked on your body? Yikes!

Often, people come to discover that they don’t really like ‘fairies’ forever. Or maybe you’re pretty sure you aren’t happy having a bar code on your neck anymore. Whatever the case may be, you want to get your tattoo removed, and you have to be careful about what method you choose.

There has actually been a ban on the over the counter bleaching creams, by the FDA – I had not heard about that until today. They apparently can cause cancer. That is definitely scary. But there is a safer way of tattoo removal than creams, and it is also more cost effective than laser removal. It is called TCA and it is a non-prescription skin peeling agent and it has been used for much more than just tattoo removals.

InkBusters.com Press Release

Headline: FDA bans Tattoo Removal Creams?

San Diego – With the launch of it’s new website, Inkbusters.com warns the public about possible health risks associated with using tattoo removal creams purchased on the Internet. The new site states “many” tattoo removal creams sold online contain Hydroquinone, which is usually the active ingredient in skin bleaching creams.

In August 2006 the FDA proposed a ban on over the counter skin bleaching creams containing Hydroquinone due to concerns about Cancer and Exogenous Ochronosis. This proposed ban is similar to those already enacted in Japan, France, Great Britain and Australia for the same reasons.

InkBusters.com CEO Rick Barker notes, “Indirectly—and probably without knowing it—the FDA is saying they think the tattooed public may be at risk if they use tattoo removal creams containing Hydroquinone. This is particularly true when you consider most skin bleaching cream makers––prescription or OTC––never recommend Hydroquinone be used more than 4-6 months for maximum effect. Many tattoo removal cream makers online offer supplies well beyond this recommended period.”

InkBusters.com sells TCA at its website to help consumers remove tattoos in a natural non-laser fashion. TCA is a popular non-prescription skin-peeling agent commonly used by doctors, health spas and private individuals to remove fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars on the face. TCA has twice been medically tested and proven to fade and/or remove tattoos on the body. TCA looks and feels like water and is applied with a q-tip. There is no Hydroquinone in TCA.

Organic Skin Lightener

I would love to try this organic skin lightener by Emerge Skin Care! I used to get compliments on my youthful complexion all the time! That just doesn’t happen anymore! It’s such a bummer, because, that is one of the things that I was most proud of, as far as physical features, that is. And so I’ve been thinking about how to better take care of my skin so that it can look better and be healthier than it has been.

One of those things I have been wanting to do is wear sunblock on a regular basis, and this has SPF 30, so that is perfect! I could get rid of blemishes and discolorations, and at the same time be protected from the sun! And it has both UVA and UVB sunscreens.

You can use it on your hands, as well as your face, and any skin type can use it.

It has antioxidants and Vitamin C, and also nourishes your skin. I really, really want to try this stuff!

Give me light or just forget it!

It is so true – when I get depressed, a dark and dreary room just makes it worse! When we have day after day of cloudiness, I start to get a little crazy – especially in my kitchen! It is so dim, and I just cannot brighten it up in there! I keep thinking that there is some light that I haven’t turned on because it is so gloomy in there, and I look around for one more light to turn on – that ‘magic, let’s all feel better now’, light! And it’s just not there. I think whoever bought the main light fixture for the kitchen just picked the wrong kind for the way that room is set up. I would love to buy something else for in there, like maybe a pretty lamp. I actually thought we had the problem solved the other day, because I accidentally knocked a piece off of the cooktop. And it was the piece that covered up the fluorescent light on the cooktop. When I turned on that light without the cover on, it so brightly illuminated the room – almost exactly like I’ve been wanting! It was just too glaring without the cover on. And I was sure that the light hadn’t been working, and that somehow, by knocking the top of it off, I had made it work. And that if Mark could just get the piece that fell behind the stove, and put it back on, all would be well.

But, yet again, I’m so silly. The cover was metal, not the opaque covers you generally find on fluorescent lights. And when we put it back on, it did work. The only thing is, I remembered that it had been working all along. But, with that darn metal cover on it, it only illuminated the cooktop. That was a bummer!

The really tricky part of all of this is that I need light to curb my depression, but, with all of these migraines, I need darkness. Now that is quite a pickle to be in!

Lack of energy

I really have a lack of energy lately. I mean, I’ve always kind of been that way – ever since I was a child. I can remember being at soccer practice and just wishing that the hour would hurry up and finish. Funny, I never felt that way when I was at gymnastics. I guess a passion for the activity distracted me from my tired body. I think blogging does that for me a lot these days, too. That is definitely a cool thing.

My mom and my grandma had it, too, so I always just kind of figured it would be something I would have to live with. And with triple digit temperatures right now, I guess it’s not really surprising to feel weak. But you know, I’ve often wondered about getting a colon cleanse, because, I’ve heard so much good stuff about them. People talk about how they felt immediately energetic, and they felt better than they have felt in years. Some people even say they felt better than they ever have. But I was talking to my mother-in-law about it one day, and she said that she had one years ago. And she said that she didn’t notice any difference in the way that she felt. So I wonder if all that I’ve heard is just advertising bologna.

Oh well, one thing that I know to do is to drink more water. That always makes me feel better. And with these scorching temperatures, hydrating myself is definitely a good thing!

Get on the MOVE for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease that affects more than five million people in the United States alone! Every seventy-two seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s. It is a progressive and serious brain disease, for which we have no cure.

The first known case of the disease was a woman named Auguste D., who was treated by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1901. She became bedridden very quickly, and died in 1906, of infections from bedsores and pneumonia. Since he had never seen anyone like Auguste before, Dr. Alzheimer got the family’s permission to perform an autopsy. He found dramatic shrinkage in her brain, especially of the cortex. And under the microscope he found widespread fatty deposits and dead and dying cells. The disease was entered into the medical literature in 1907.

One hundred years – and we still have no cure. That is mind-boggling and heartbreaking. We need to get on the MOVE to finding a cure! And there is one way that we all can do that! There are walks happening around the country to raise money for awareness and to find a cure for this horrible condition. The walks are spearheaded by the Alzheimer’s Association and are called Memory Walks. I’m sure you can find one in your area. I live in a little bitty town and I found one just forty miles from me – I was really impressed with that!

You can sign up as a Team Captain for the Memory Walk, and recruit people to walk with you and to help raise funds. It would be great to sign up early, so you can get a start on your fundraising. Oh, and the walks are really great, because, they are only two to three mile walks. So even those of us not in the best of shape should be able to handle it just fine!

Allergy attack!

This has turned out to be quite a rotten day. I woke up with an allergy attack, as I do almost every day. This morning, however, it would not go away! It was awful. Mark had bought me some medicine that my brother recommended, that wouldn’t make me drowsy. It didn’t help me, though. So all I have to rely on is benadryl, which of course, makes me very drowsy. The morning attacks usually go away a little while after I’ve gotten up, but, this morning that did not happen! I wound up having to take benadryl and so now I’m Miss Zombie Queen. I had to even go lie down for an hour. I can’t get a whole lot of blogging done lying down in bed!

I have no idea if this is just coincidental or not, but, I took my shower this morning. And I am just wondering if that made the attack worse. I can’t quite explain how I think it might work, but, I am relating it to Sensory Integration Dysfunction. I have done a lot of research on SID, and have family members, including myself, who have it. But with SID, when you get out of the shower, it is like you are raw – raw and vulnerable. Nerve-ending-wise. So if one is in a more vulnerable state, one could react to what one is allergic to in a stronger way. Do you see what I’m saying? Anyway, I’m not sure if it really could be that way, but, I’m thinking it might.

I really want to get some type of prescription for my allergies, because, on days like today, my entire schedule gets flip-flopped around because of the dumb attacks! I think there are prescription meds, that would not make me drowsy and work better than that other one that I tried! It is hard, though, to make the decision to actually go to the doctor, because we don’t have insurance. Life sucks without insurance, and we really need to get some! It is just so damn expensive! And then you still have to pay $40 for a visit – at least, that is what we had to on our last insurance. We do need to get some more, though, if nothing else at least children insurance so that we are safeguarded against any major medical issues. I would love to get all five of us on a plan, but, I just don’t know if we can afford it.

My teenage skin

“What? Teenage skin? Lisa, you’re 37 years old, what are you talking about?”

Well, my face seems to think that ‘we’ are teenagers again, in that I break out so easily. Now, I will admit to not being the most regimented about washing my face like I should, but, my skin is usually okay. Lately, I break out in these tiny bumps on my forehead and full-out pimples on my chin if I am not good about washing my face. And it still just seems to not look as healthy as it used to.

So I’ve been thinking lately that I should try real skincare products, as opposed to just bar soap. (Yes, bar soap. But – to my credit, it is Lever 2000.) And I’ve also been thinking a lot about sun protection for my face. My mother has already dealt with two spots on her face – one was cancerous, and the other was just pre-cancerous, I think. I’ve never worn product on my face, not even base, so I have had a hard time finding something that feels good and doesn’t irritate my skin.I was looking at the Emerge Skin Care site, and I found a facial moisturizer with SPF 30 that is formulated specifically for sensitive skin. I would love to try that! Their products were developed by a team of dermatologists and chemists, and their tagline is ‘Where Science Meets Beauty’. I like the sound of that, because, it makes me feel extra safe about using their products. That might sound silly, but, like I said, I’ve never worn any product on my face. I’ve never worn moisturizer or base or even normal sunblock (which always burns). So I am extra picky, I think, about picking out a sun protection formula.

And I would also like to venture away from my bar soap routine and try some actual facial cleanser, for this silly face that is revisiting my youth! Emerge has a sensitive skin formula that has chamomile in it – that sounds great!

I really need to start taking better care of this old face! Emerge would be a great place to start!

Drugs aren’t just out on the street

A lot of drug addicts become drug addicts by a much different route than those of us who were partying, having a good time, looking for a high. These other drug addicts maybe had surgery with an extended recovery period, or maybe they suffer from chronic pain. And they wind up addicted to their pain pills. It might not even be that their surgical recovery was so bad. They might have had some other stress in their life happen at the time they were trying to recover, and so they convinced themselves they were in pain, when they really weren’t – so they could take extra pills. I knew of one mother, who was very stressed out in young motherhood, with an active alcoholic husband, and her doctor prescribed pills to help her cope with everything. And next thing you know, she was lying on the couch all day unable to function. The thing that is so scary about prescription drug addiction is that the rationalization works so much ‘better’. “My doctor prescribed this for pain… to help me calm down… etc” So they often get to lie to others around them, and usually do succeed in lying to themselves about the true reason for popping so many pills.

For those who need help, however, there is a great service that can help you find appropriate services. Finding prescription drug addiction treatment can be an overwhelming process, but, with 1-800-nodrugs.com to guide you, it can be a lot easier. They are a non-profit service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And there is never a charge for their services. They have compassionate, caring counselors available to talk to at all times to assist you in finding the appropriate drug rehab for you or your family member. I think that’s an amazing thing, really – it can just be so scary dealing with drug abuse, and knowing which action to take that’s best for the addicted family member can be hard. And if you don’t know where to turn, this can certainly be a good place to start.

How many veggies do you eat every day?

I am not very good about eating my vegetables! I have gotten to where I will try to at least eat some fruit every day, but, I’m a little more stubborn with veggies. Well, here is an interesting idea – how about drinking your veggies? Or mixing them into your favorite foods? With these single serve packets, we can all do just that! Each packet of My Daily Veggies, which is a delicious blend of whole dried vegetables, contains two full servings of whole vegetables. Now this is cool, ya’ll, because we can mix this into soups, dips, or drink mixed into water. Hey! I’d like to try it on a baked potato – that might be really good! And the cool thing is you can try it out for free for 7 days! You can get a My Daily Veggies Free Sample and see if it really helps you out to get your daily allotment of vegetables. There are no added salt, sugar, or preservatives – it’s only 35 calories per serving, and it’s 95% dried whole vegetables and 5% dried whole vegetable extracts. This might be the perfect solution to getting more vegetables into my unhealthy body. And also into my middle child, who won’t touch vegetables with a ten foot pole!