Archives for May 2007

My Momma’s coming!!

She is en route right at this very moment! She is coming to see me here in Alybama! She left her house around 8:30am, so she could get here anywhere from about 8pm-9pm!! I am so excited!

I have wanted her to come out here ever since we moved out here! I want to show her my house, my town, my mother-in-law’s property and her horse. I want to introduce her to Mark’s family.

I want to drive her up to the top of the mountain on the road that runs right by my house. I’d love to take her out to the National Forest and show her this really cool waterfall and old homestead fireplace that are out there.

I want to take her to this really cool old cemetery. And there is also a really neat bridge in the woods near my mother-in-law’s house and the road that it is on is really cool.

Basically – there are a lot of things that I would like to show her. The only problem is that she is getting here tonight – and leaving Monday or Tuesday morning. So we really don’t have too much time to do all that we want to do. I have told the kids that we have to pick the things that we feel are the most important that we want to show her, because we won’t have time for everything. So I’ve got them thinking about that.

Anyway, I haven’t talked to her in several hours, I should probably call her pretty soon and check her progress and make sure she’s not getting sleepy! She works all the time, so I know she is totally worn out!

Oh! And another really super-cool thing – she is bringing Miss Lucy, or as I like to call her, Little Girl, too! Totally awesome!!!

Party in Orlando

I was just reading on another blog about a party some people that I know are having tomorrow. Only problem is, the party is in Orlando. Man! I would really love to go to that! It seems that there is always something happening in Orlando that I want to go to – one thing after another! If I had an Orlando rental home, this would never be a problem, now would it? Well, except for maybe gas money to get down there – it’s only eight hours away, though. That’s not really that far. I wonder what their 12 step meetings are like out there. It might be fun to hit a meeting or two, meet some cool people, and head to Disney! Sounds like a blast, actually!

Getting financially healthy

A lot of people these days are really focused on getting more financially healthy. I constantly run into, or hear from, people who are in financial classes to learn how to better handle their money, and how to get a handle on their debt. My brother and his wife were in one, and they just loved it! One good way to get yourself on the road to a more healthy financial life is consolidating. For example, student loan consolidation – often this can reduce your monthly payment up to 50%! That is a big difference! And in addition to dealing with just one lender, you can lock in a low, fixed interest rate that will not increase. Another very good thing about it is that you can work on upping your credit score, because you will have less open accounts. That right there is a great reason to do it, if you ask me! Getting truly healthy means working on all parts of our lives, and that includes our pocketbooks!

Very sad nightmare

I had a really sad nightmare the other night and it really shook me up. I dreamt that Mark had died. It was truly, truly awful. I was completely devastated. My mother and the kids and I were standing in line waiting to see him, which is totally weird, anyway, right? We were waiting in line – behind other people? To see my own deceased husband? Odd. But, as we were standing there, I was really having trouble holding it together, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and at one point, I just fell to the floor. I don’t recall ever having had a dream that someone so close to me has died. So it really freaked me out and when I woke up, it took me several hours, maybe longer, to shake those icky feelings. And it was weird because, as parents of young children, whenever we talk about it or think about if something were to happen to one of us, the first thought is how to continue on financially, etc – without the other. Taking care of the children – that is the first thing we address whenever it is talked about. And you think that you would kick into high gear – like ‘ok, what do I need to do now? what’s next? how do I take care of the children?’ You know – like a business, business, business attitude. And we do have death insurance on Mark, but, in the dream – there was NONE of that – not a drop of it. I guess when you’re constantly bickering with someone, you don’t think that their death would affect you so deeply. But perhaps – that is why you are still bickering with someone after all these years – because of how profoundly they affect you and also their death would affect you.

A mom of two high-schoolers

That is what I am now, officially – as of today! Oh my freaking gosh!! How in the holy heck did this happen? It was weird, because, as I sat at Shawn’s graduation today, and made myself consciously think that – ‘I now have two high-schoolers’ – it didn’t affect me the way that I thought it would. I think I’m still in shock. And I also think it’s definitely weird on my system that they go straight to high school. I mean, I guess even the school district still considers them middle schoolers, but, let me tell you, in a momma’s eyes – they get dropped of at the high school every morning! They can ‘call’ it middle school in the one hallway, but, as a mother – darnit – I just dropped my seventh grader off at high school! Yikes! So it’s like I’m in this weird stage of mentally knowing my true emotional reaction to having two high schoolers, but, not quite feeling it yet! It is definitely strange. But let me tell you, I am really not much older than 18. Really! I’m not! I feel like 18 was a couple of months ago. Plus a couple ‘o years. (19!) And I am just brand new to this ‘grown up’ world. And I am not even sure if I can really spread my wings and fly without my parents yet. I’m still a baby, dammit!! And it was just a blink ago, that I had a huge, swollen belly (yeah, I’m fat now, but, you should’ve seen me pregnant!) and the doctor was getting out his littman stethoscope and listening for a heartbeat. And then I turned around and got a huge swollen belly the very next year, too. And I had these two sweet, precious baby boys. And it was heaven. Pure bliss. I finally had what I’d waited all my life for. Oh crap – now I think I’m starting to feel some of this – why’d you have to get me started talking about this? Aw, man – but, it was just so sweet! Although those were very hard years, raising babies and toddlers could kill a person – they were also glorious years. And then my little girly was born and for years, it was the four of us – the four of us against the world. We were a little team. And it was so much fun. And now – they’re all spread out – one kid over here, one kid over there – got plenty of other stuff to do – none of which involves, includes, or necessitates – mom. Ugh. Quick – somebody send over a baby, before I have a total meltdown!

A new TV – for the kids?

Mark brought the boys a new TV. It’s really an old TV, but, it is new to them. It was in their cousin’s bedroom, and I guess they got a new one, because this one got sent home with Mark yesterday.

And Mark gave it to the boys. What?

I have been begging and begging for a TV for our bedroom almost since we got here! The two places for me to get comfortable in this house are here at my desk (Mark bought me a great office chair a couple years ago) and in my bedroom. Seeing as we don’t have much home furniture beyond the bedrooms, those are my two spots to get comfy! Our dining room table didn’t fit on the UHaul, and our ‘living room’ is in the basement – so upstairs is kind of a barren wasteland.

And we haven’t had a TV in our bedroom for several years now, and there is almost nothing better than being lazy in your bed watching TV. I love that!

But, as previously noted, he gave the TV to the boys. Bummer. Now, mind you, it is a very small TV – and I definitely wouldn’t want it permanently, but, while I wait for my living room to be IN MY LIVING ROOM – it would be great! In case it’s not completely obvious, I am completely sick of living like this. Completely. Ugh.

My kids ROCK!

And no, thank you very much – I’m not biased. Not in the least! Hey – even the bus driver said my kids are great! He came to pick up this morning for the last time, and I went out to say my goodbyes – he’s taken good care of my monsters, and he went out of his way to buy them candy and soda for the last week of school! I thought that was really nice of him! So I went out to greet him one last time, and he said, and I quote, “They’re good kids!”

So there you have it – it’s not even me saying it! Ha! Well, anyway – where I was heading with all of this was to all of the awards received this week! Sammie and Shawn each got lots of awards, certificates, and pins this week! Academics, attendance, band, choir, science – Shawn was even among the top 10 scorers among the whole sixth grade on a standardized test that they took this spring! Totally awesome!!

Yep! My kids rock! Poor Patrick, though – the seventh grade didn’t have an awards ceremony, didn’t (obviously) have a graduation ceremony. So he’s got nothin. Nothin. Hmm – we may have to remedy that! I could use Publisher and create a “Great Kid Award – For excellence in adjusting to not only junior high, but, high school and also a new school district, and also a whole new town and a whole new state! Awesome adaptation, dude!” Or something like that. He’d probably just think mom was being a geek again, though. But – you never know – somewhere in the back of that ‘too cool for skool’ head of his, he might just really like it. He might beam with pride – on the inside! You never know!

Going to Mexico?

I talked the other day about wanting to go to Hawaii, but, also liking big cities – the main one being New York City. There are also two other places to which I used to want to travel.

I used to want to go to Paris, so that I could go to the Louvre, and walk up those big steps to see the Mona Lisa. I met a man once who had gone there, though, and the way he talked about it took all the pizazz out of it for me! The unbelievably strict security around the painting and the speed with which they rush you past it, quickly un-romanticized it for me.

I also used to always want to go to Mexico. However, with stories in the news over the last decade, I’ve been a bit nervous to see the place I’ve always wanted to see! You know what I mean, like people being arrested for the slightest thing, and having trouble getting out of jail. And other stories like that scared me, too.

Well, see – Mexican law is based on the Napoleonic Code, where guilt is assumed over innocence. And that is a very different way of dealing with things than here in the States – which often leads to misunderstandings – which often leads to trouble for the Mexican traveler.

Well, now I’ve found something that perks me up a bit – because I am again excited about considering a trip to Mexico!! That is a cool feeling to have back! And what I found was, Auto Insurance for Mexico. This insurance can help you out in just those sort of binds that I talked about. For instance, say you get in a fender bender there. You either have to have cash, or a Mexican auto insurance policy – or you could actually go to jail. And your American insurance policy would not help you out at all in this situation.

If you visit, you will find a very helpful and knowledgable man there named Linden Gray, who has 29 years of experience in the insurance industry.

Breakin’ – one of my favorite movies!!

I love this movie so much, and I would like to thank Miss Julie for taking me on a stroll down memory lane, with her ‘Music when she was 18’ post!! One of the songs that she listed was Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan – I just LOVED Chaka!!! And Julie, bless her poor deprived heart, said that she had never heard that song! Well, Jules, my sweet – this is for you:

There’s the song and here is one of the beginning scenes from the movie, Breakin’. This scene is where Kelly, the studio jazz dancer, is taken to the beach by her dancing friend, to see all the breakdancing that goes on down there. Everyone is just lockin’ and poppin’ and feelin’ the groove and having a great time! And it is at this time that Kelly meets Turbo and Ozone, the street dancers with whom she will team up to beat out the ‘opposing dancers’. See – the ‘street fighting’ they did was dancing – and the better dancer won! So Kelly and Ozone and Turbo team up – and through trial and error, and a few arguments, too – they blend their two dancing styles – JAZZ plus STREET – and they come up with the hottest dance moves ever! Gawd, I just love this movie! Now, unfortunately, this clip is not in English – but, it is one of the better clips that I could find. And you don’t really need ‘spoken language’ to figure it out, especially the part at the end where the ‘opposing dancers’ show up! (And, if you look really closely, you might catch a glimpse of Jean-Claude Van Damme – in his first ever on-screen appearance!)

This is definitely one to go on my ‘movies I need’ list. That and the second one (which, admittedly, wasn’t quite as good) Breakin’ 2 – Electric Boogaloo. Also on that list would have to be Turner and Hooch. See, I thought I owned it already – and when Sammie and I went to watch it yesterday – it was nowhere to be found. When Mark came home he assured me that we never owned it. Well – hell’s bells – that’s an oversight – BIG TIME! That is one of my very favorite movies!!! And I’ve been meaning to get Multiplicity forever!! Sammie and I wound up watching Jack Frost, and so that of course got Michael Keaton on my mind! He is such a great and adorable actor – but, especially in Multiplicity!

So my main list right now is:
1. Turner and Hooch
2. Breakin’
3. Electric Boogaloo
4. Multiplicity

I need those, people – NEED. I’m not talking about any sissy ‘wants’ or ‘desires’ – I’m talking about sheer necessities!! I hope they’re not too hard for ya’ll to track down and ship to me!Winking 2

Today is my birthday!

I am 37 today! Wow! I can’t really believe that – I mean, I see me saying (typing) that – but, I’m just not really sure it’s in reference to me. I’m really just some snot-nosed kid. For real.

A 37 year old, dare I say it – grown up? What? Not me!

Well, anyway, according to my drivers license, it’s the truth. Weird.