Archives for July 2007

Boys can be so silly

Those of the grown-up variety, that is. See, Mark’s been taking the kids out shopping for all of their school supplies. So I asked him to get me some more Pens, because, the kids have stolen all but ONE of mine off of my desk! They were sort of nice ones, too, that he had bought me for Christmas. So you know what he did, upon hearing that request? He went over to the cabinet where he keeps all of his office stuff, got me out one black pen, and handed it to me. ‘Here ya go’, he says. I tell ya, when it comes to spending green stuff on people, grown-up boys just don’t like it! Ugh! I’m gonna have to take the checkbook and go get myself some damn pens! Might buy a little desktop safe to keep them in, too! Grrr!

More about my office

I posted yesterday about finally being ready to use a real desk. Well, we have a new thrift store in town and they have everything – and yes, they have office desks. When my mom was in town we went over there and looked around. It was kind of sweet, because, it reminded me of my mom’s old business she had with my uncle when I was a little kid. Yep, the desks were that old. But, you know what? Some of those things were still very sturdy! And I bet that is probably where I will go to get one. I mean, if I wanted a computer desk, I could easily buy a new one. I just don’t like those. Nope, I want an actual desk. And a new one of those would be way too expensive.

So frustrated with my weight

I haven’t been doing so well with taking care of my weight loss. And I just was outside with Sammie and her friend, and as I was coming inside – watching my reflection in the storm door really bummed me out. Some days I think of just using something like a diet patch, but, I know it’s about so much more than that. If that would even make a difference. I need to work on what’s inside, so that I become more willing to take care of what’s outside. And life just gets so hectic, you know? Or perhaps, more like probably, that’s another excuse. Ugh. This is so hard. It’s so simple, but, it’s so hard.

We haven’t had migas in forever!

Sammie and I were really wanting to make them the other day, but, my back was killing me! There was no way that I would have been able to stand there frying the tortillas in the oil. It is a lot of standing around. When we lived in Richardson, we had bar stools, so if I was achy or sore, I could just pull a bar stool up to the stove and sit there and cook them. My sister-in-law had bar stools in this house when she lived in it, but, I think that kitchen is just too darn small for them! And I think we actually haven’t had migas since we’ve been in Alabama! Which is dumb, because all five of us love them! And you know how hard it is to please a family of five at dinner time! Well, we’ll get to them one day – especially now that it’s on my mind! Hey – maybe that would be a great dinner for the first night of school. Yeah, that is a good idea!

Ladies stay on top of the latest and the greatest

There is a cool new site for us ladies and I’m having so much fun looking around on it! It’s called and signing up is so easy! It’s all about the latest and the greatest trends – in fashion, music, stores, restaurants, spas and hotels, and there is even a section called ‘Hot Guy of the Week’. I thoroughly enjoyed checking that section out! Just looking, everybody chill out!

It is great because it is user-generated content, so if you have just gone to the coolest new bar and you really want to let people know about it, you can! Just sign up and head to the ‘add to the site’ section and fill in all the information that you can about it! You can also vote on all of the content that people submitted. There was one entry about perfume, that the user just really made me think about perfume, and how cool it is, so I voted her five stars!

And you can bookmark the stuff that really interests you, and then you can also share your bookmarks with a badge on your blog or website. You will notice my badge in my right sidebar under “Cool Stuff”.

There is even a section full of the latest trends for the man in your life. It’s called ‘For Him Only‘.

I’m really interested in sites utilizing user-generated content and keeping up with what’s hip and cool is definitely a hot topic for the Web 2.0 crowd – it’ll be fun to watch the growth of this site!

Do you know what a chicken house looks like?

I sure didn’t. We were driving through the country and we passed these long, low buildings – lots of them, all in a neat row. Mark says, “Yeah. Those are chicken houses.” How the hell did he know? He grew up in Florida! He definitely spent a lot of time out here, though. He is constantly telling me stories about this place or that. Anyway, I sure thought of my friend, Ang. of Ang.’s Chicken Coop, when I saw the chicken houses! I meant to tell her about them and I forgot!

We kept on driving and after a while, there was a sign out in the front of someone’s house that said, “Chickens for Sale”. I imagined that was maybe someone like my friend, Ang., raising them on their own farm and I thought that is so much nicer for the chickens, than to be stuffed in the chicken house like sardines, with a million other chickens.

Of course, in my head popped pictures I’ve seen of chicken houses on the PETA website – ewww! Those were awful, and although not as nice as living on Ang.’s farm, I do hope those chicken houses that I saw were WAY more pleasant than the awful pictures that I saw!

Local businesses and their affect on the environment

Local businesses can have a horrible affect on the environment and its citizens nearby. It has been proven again and again that some of the age-old practices of typical businesses are just not good for the environment or the people around them. There was a business not too far from my house that was actually completely shut down and all of the residents were given funds to move out of the area. Mark will not let me buy produce when people are selling it on the side of the road, because he is afraid that it came from too close to that area.

There is a company that supplies EHS Compliance Software to businesses. They are utilizing the best of technology to help companies keep on top of their environmental footprints. They have a long list of clients that they have helped towards this mission.

The EHS metrics software brings together environmental health and safety professionals with information technology. In one area of their expertise, over 100 wells can be monitored and assessed for environmental damage in less than an hour!

Their staff works with their clients from the top to the bottom for the EHS software implementation. They work with the senior level company staff on strategy and planning, but, are also very present in the day to day happenings of the business, actually acting as extensions of their client’s staff.

The company was founded in 1998, and I think they are providing a wonderful service to all of the citizens who live near potential bio-hazard businesses! I bet they could have saved the town and the people near me that were so deeply affected by environmental waste. This is one company that I would really love to see expand and grow!

Buy Cheap Viagra and SEO

Did that capture your attention? I imagine that the words ‘buy cheap viagra’ made a few people do a bit of a double take! And just what the heck does viagra have to do with SEO, anyway? Right? Well, John Pozadzides of One Man’s Blog, is running a little experiment, prompted by a post by Aaron Wall. And the question that Aaron proposed is, “How Easily do Authoritative Sites Rank for New Keywords?” And he talked about Matt Cutts ranking pretty high for the words, ‘buy cheap viagra’, just by using the words in one post. And as John has a PR8, he is wanting to experiment and see just how quickly he ranks up high for those words, as well. There is one wild card to the experiment, though, and that is that Matt Cutt’s site has much more longevity than John’s site. In fact, John just celebrated his One Year Blogiversary! Happy Blogiversary, John! And I am interested to hear how this experiment turns out!

I’m getting a new laptop

I am so excited! My dad just bought a new computer for himself, and guess who is getting his old laptop? Yep, that would be me! I have been wanting a laptop for a very long time! There are just so many instances when I want to get OUT of this office and continue to do work. Sometimes it is a beautiful day and the kids are playing out front and I would like to go out there and watch them and just hang out with them. And sometimes when the kids are at school and I would like to just go sit outside with Puppy. There was a day not too long ago when Mark and Sammie and I were sitting on the balcony and I wished that I had a laptop then, so that I could sit out there with them and still work. And there are a lot of times that I am not feeling well, and would rather work from the couch or my bed. Any way you slice it, I am just totally excited about this! Parents can be so cool sometimes, you know?

Me and my honey

The other day Mark took us to see a house for rent that is so cool! It is two stories, with a full basement, so basically – three stories. It had a detached two-car garage, and a church was two doors down. That would be so cool to get up on Sunday morning and walk to church! Two doors down! And it had a golf course across the street, so Sammie and I got started talking about golf. And then we meandered over to the topic of mine and Mark’s first date. And that sweet little girl has just got my stories down! I love that! She remembered that the ‘first date story’ involved golf balls, or a golf ball, I should say. We had gone miniature golfing, and you know how on the last hole, you are supposed to hit your ball into the hole, and back it goes into the building, to be used again? Well, I didn’t do that – it was my first date and I wanted a memento of it! I was keepin’ that ball, darn it! And I did – and do you know that has been fifteen years now that I have been hanging onto that thing? I can’t believe it!