Promoting my husband

I’ve been working on getting my husband some business from the internet. He’s not entirely convinced that it’s actually going to work. He is a contractor – mostly residential remodeling. And he just doesn’t see the value in marketing a local-only business online.

I’m working on it slowly, bit by bit. I had gotten a pretty good start on it – I started a website for him, and then I registered him at Merchant Circle. And then I started him a few Squidoo lenses. And then I left it all sitting there. I completely lost all my steam for it.

Recently, however, I received a message from someone on Squidoo about his lenses. The message was from a realtor and he has a group on Squidoo that he was inviting us to join. And ever since then, marketing my husband’s remodeling services has been back on my mind again.

I want so much to prove to him that it would be beneficial for him to establish an online presence, but, I get so distracted with all of my other sites and blogs.

We’ll see – I may just make it work and wind up teaching him a thing or two!

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