Hippie Hodgepodge, That’s Me!

I am going to be moving this blog over to http://hippiehodgepodge.blogspot.com very soon. When I lost my main site with the super cool name that I loved so very much – Hippie Spelunker – I had a plan to at least hold on to some semblance of the name. I was going to hang onto the Blogger blog of it.

I have now, however, decided to completely divorce myself from that lovely name. Because they are muddling it up. Schmodaddy snatched up the domain, under the name “Mary Mix”, who lives at a nonexistent address. Nonexistent chick at a nonexistent address. Psh. Whatever. But now they are posting links to their spammy diet content over there and I’ve just decided what I probably should have decided from the get-go …that it is time to just give them the name completely so I’m not associated with that crap.

So anyway, I’m giving ya’ll fair warning. I will soon transfer this site over to HippieHodgepodge.blogspot.com. Those stupid dummies. Whatever.

The cool thing is, though, that now I get to be “The Hodgepodge Girl”. And I like that. I’ve bought three domains in the Hodgepodge family so far, and I am going to buy at least one more pretty soon.

So pooh on them, they’ve “given” me a blog network. I’ll be takin’ names and kickin’ butts all over the internet.


Wacky and Weird Goings On Every Wednesday

An online marketing chick I know, who happens to be super groovy cool, shares some uber weirdness every Wednesday! You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff that gets talked about over on her blog! It’s crazy – nuts – and definitely hysterical!!!

Her name is Nicole Dean and her blog is NicoleontheNet.com

Let me just share with you some of the wacky weirdness…..

Are you worrried about packing on the pounds this holiday season?

Never fear – inflatable food are here! That’s right – inflatable! Really – check it out: Inflatable Thanksgiving Foods

Does your dad – or grandpa – look like Kenny Rogers?

Well, then – you better check out this site for Kenny-spotters everywhere: Weird Website: Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers

One that totally squigged me out!!!

That’s right, folks – it’s all about cat butts – check it out: Weird Niche: Cat Butts

That’ll do ya for now – I’ll be back with more of the crazy!! Soon! LOL!!

31 Days To Build A Better Blog


Buy Now

If there is one person to listen to when it comes to blogging, that is for sure Darren Rowse. He knows his stuff – and then some – when it comes to blogging, and photography, too, for that matter. We’re not talking about photography right now, though. We’re talking blogging – and I have to say that I’ve learned so much, and continue to learn so much, from Darren. And the real treat is – that he’s a super nice guy with a very genuine heart. This is one book you just can’t go wrong with.

Hippie Spelunker – H2 – have you been?

Well, have you? Have you? Have you been to the new and improved version – Hippie Spelunker – H2? That’s my new, super duper, self-hosted version – check it out!

Although a big part of me dearly loves it over here at Blogger, I had originally intended to get the new one up and running, and move away from Blogger completely.

And then I decided to stay here, too.

And then I decided to just import to over there and say goodbye to Blogger.

And then I decided to stay.

And as it stands now, I’m totally confused. Ha! So visit me in both places, ok?

At least ’til I get my head on straight, anyway…

What? You think that’s not gonna happen?! You’ve been waiting for that for a long time?!

Well – hrmph! Angry 3

I see how you are – I see how you wanna be – that’s just fine!

You better just read both places, you hear me?! Threatening

Mystery Faces on MyBlogLog

Why are we seeing so much more of this guy lately?

I don’t know about you guys, but, in the last several days, I have noticed a LOT more of ‘him’ on the MyBlogLog widgets. I wonder if they’re having a new member campaign of some kind.

I suppose I could head over to MyBlogLog and snoop around and see what I find out, but, I thought I’d ask you guys first – in my utter laziness….


Grandfather clock and a fountain combined!

You have got to see this grandfather clock that is also a fountain! It is so gorgeous! I’ve always loved grandfather clocks and I’ve always wanted one, but, I’ve never seen one that is a fountain, too! That is just cool! It’s very modernly made with slate and copper and it’s so amazing! We are planning a major remodel to the living areas of our house, and I think we would have a perfect place for it in the corner of the dining area, next to the fireplace. It would look so nice there!

I completely love this clock, I can’t stop looking at it. I think the rich colors of the slate are really pulling me in. The water runs all the way down the front of the clock to the base, in which there are ornamental rocks, and also a soft light that illuminates the tower. It would be so nice to get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and pass this lovely, soothing clock with the water flowing and the light glowing…I can totally picture that – just lovely!

It will be great when we can finally get busy on our remodel and start making this house our own beautiful creation. Obviously, we can’t create it – it’s already been made, I just mean, make it our own, you know? One of the big things we are going to do is tear down the wall between the living room and dining room and make it into one big Great Room. That is going to be so nice – it is going to open it up so much in here and make the place not feel so small. And then I can start looking at grandfather clocks and I know just where to look!

1-800-4clocks.com has got every clock under the sun – it is the perfect place for me to look! And they have a great blog, too! I love it when companies have blogs, and not just blogs, but, good blogs – blogs that are helpful and informative and let you get to know the company better! I learned something on their blog tonight, that I had wondered about, but, just had not bothered to research myself. Their post, Grandfather Clocks and Daylight Savings Time – A Change in Times informed me as to why the time change changed like it did this year. That was such a pain to me, because, at the time I was still using Windows ME, and there was no patch for ME. It’s really interesting what they said about the candy lobby possibly being responsible. It definitely makes you wonder, that’s for sure!

Social Spark – The unveiling!

This is just getting more exciting by the minute. See, the big thing that so many of us were looking forward to at PostieCon was the unveiling of the great big, new, awesome software that would revolutionize the consumer-generated advertising arena!

PayPerPost recently announced it’s ‘umbrella’ company, Izea. Izea is the parent company of all the companies that are a part of PayPerPost. So PayPerPost is remaining as it is, but, this is just an umbrella to catch all the companies in. You can click on that link and see all the companies under the new umbrella.

And the big new thing that Ted Murphy has been telling us about and pumping us up about for months is a super secret software system (say that five times fast) that will make things easier on all of us – advertisers, bloggers, and PayPerPost.

When I heard, about a month ago, that it was based on a social network, I got butterflies in my stomach! Social networks I can totally do! I love everything to do with social networking!

And just now, just this minute – I learned the name for the super secret software system! It’s called Social Spark! And there is an incredibly hot blogger, with a very sweet ass, who has the ROYAL SCOOP ON SOCIAL SPARK! Read it and get excited with me!

And go Digg her post, too! You can do that right here: Colleen’s Social Spark Scoop

Chatting with the Posties

See, here’s the chat:


Isn’t that cool? I just realized that I could embed it here!

I wonder what happens to it later, when the chat is over. Or if they delete the room, what this post will look like!


Oh yeah, and you need to go DIGG the live feed – hurry, go now!
It’s right here: PostieCon live video/audio feed!

I’m in Las Vegas in Alabama!

Oh my gosh! Now I’m even more connected to the goings on in Las Vegas! This is so super cool!

PayPerPost is streaming PostieCon live on the internet, and at the same time, they have opened up a chat room to further involve those of us at home! I even got to ask a question to one of the presenters – while she was talking! That was just cool!

So we did have one window open for the chat, and another for the live feed, and we were having to switch back and forth. Then this awesome blogger dude, Andy Beard – mashed them together on his site for us! This is so cool!

I’ve got Twitter open, watching for messages, and I’ve got Skype going with my rockin’ friend, Loretta, and I’m in the chat room/live video feed room – and I just popped over here to blog! This is so much fun! Technology rocks!

My cell phone is next to me and keeps ringing for the kids and annoying me – interrupting my techno-heaven. It is the one gadget I’m not interested in right now! Ha!

Blogging is faster in bed

Blogging is so much faster in bed. Why is that? I think there are actual several reasons why that is true. I think I am just that much more comfortable being comfortable in bed, that my productivity is greatly increased. I also think that without the distraction of the internet, I’m focused a whole lot more on each particular article/post that I am writing. Often, while online posting, in mid-stream, I’ll think of a thread in a message board that I’m keeping tabs on that I want to go check on. Or I might want to check my email to see if a certain email has come in that I have been watching for. I also think that my office is in such a mess, that the energy in there is completely stagnant. That room could definitely use a Feng Shui overhaul, that’s for sure! And that, of course, goes back to the comfort thing.

What brought this all on? Well, I noticed that I knocked out five posts earlier lickety split! And I was amazed, as lately I have trouble getting one or two posts out of myself! So I think I will do a lot more of this ‘blogging in bed’ business. And I’m thrilled to death about it!