Moving again?

Are we really talking about moving again? Do we need our heads examined? Maybe, yes. We have always both dreamed of moving to Colorado, though. Well, ok, me – always, Mark – since I took him there in 1994. But just the same, we both have the dream to move there. I am the type of person that wants to move to a city/town/area that has family members in it. I am all for getting out there in the world, seeing new places, but – when you’re talking about living situations, family has to be nearby! So we had started discussing Pueblo a couple of years ago, because, my brother lives there. (Hi Dave!) He has a very sweet and gorgeous wife and the prettiest, sweetest, most adorable daughters ever! Their names are Alexi and Amanda – now doesn’t that sound so cute??? Believe me, they are! I, for one, enjoyed being in Pueblo. I liked the relaxed, casual atmosphere of the place. Mark and David, both, though, would do much better in their respective businesses in Colorado Springs. So we’ve been looking into Springs. Mark has called and had information sent out to him and has been looking into some things. He was just telling me yesterday that life out there is more expensive than we are used to. He said that the real estate market would be quite different from Small Town, Alabama and probably even more than we were used to in Dallas, Texas. He also told me that they tax retirement income in Colorado and they don’t do that here in Alabama. So there are a lot of things to think about, like moving the kids again. We are in the middle of squeezing through that oh-so-fun-and-lovely door of puberty. We have one who’s pushed all the way through, one who’s got his hand on the door, and another who’s just about to touch the door. Tenuous times, indeed. Adding another cross-country move on top of that? Hmm….

Not to mention just the cost of moving, itself. I don’t know, it may very well happen – as the dream is so strong in both of us, but, I’m not sure it will be right away. I could be wrong – we could be heading out next month. You just never know.

Snuffy! I’ll save you!

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while now, and just keep not getting to it. My blogging buddy, Colleen, posted a crazy dream she had, and she wanted others to participate and post their crazy dreams, as well. And well, I love this dream and I love telling people about this dream – so it basically gave me permission to tell the story one more time! (Without my kids saying, “We know, Mom, you told us that before!” HA!) So – even though, I’m incredibly late on it, do you think I’m going to pass up this opportunity? No way!

Ok, so those of you who do watch/have watched/did watch Sesame Street – you know who Snuffalupagus is, right?
Yep! He’s the one! Isn’t he a cutie? I just love Snuffy! Ok, well, anyway – in my dream, they were writing him out of the show. Only there was no one to take him and nowhere for him to go, so they were just going to have him put to sleep!

AHHH!! Poor Snuffy!!! So a friend and I set out to set him free. He was in his little fence, right outside the front steps of Gloria’s apartment. (I know, I know, he’s supposed to be in the courtyard – dreams are crazy like that!) And I climbed up on the top of the fence and we were working out how to get the gate opened up. We finally figured it out, and opened the gate, and called Snuffy out with us. We were just running off down the street …. when the dream ended.

But – I saved Snuffalupagus! I’m a HERO! Yea me!!!
