Archives for August 2007

Meet my trumpeteer!

My sweet Patrick got his marching band shirt and he looked so cute and so handsome in it! And they had to wear them on Friday, because, that night was ‘Meet the Eagles’ night at the stadium. My sweet boy is ‘cheating the system’, according to my book, anyway! He is getting to be in a high school marching band two years early – while he is still ‘in’ junior high! I say ‘in’ because our junior high schoolers and our high schoolers all go to the same school. And – being a small town, they start in marching band in the eighth grade! He just looked so handsome Friday morning that I made him pose for a pic! I’m so glad that I have a home based business that allows me time for stuff like this in the morning! And I made sure to back up and get allllllll of him in it – because, Mom, Tracy – he’s grown like a weed!! Since we came home from Texas – he has been doing nothing but growing! I have been ‘checking’ him every now and then – I check him by making him stand face to face with me and see how close he is to ‘eye to eye’ with me. He has grown, but, his eyes have been a couple inches below mine. Then, one morning last week, he woke up and his knee was hurting him and it kept hurting for a few days. Mark said that it was probably growing pains, so, after a few days of it hurting, I checked his height again – and I’ll be gosh-darned if that boy isn’t within an inch of being EYE TO EYE with me!!!!! What?! What the hell happened? (Tracy – you’re the lucky one, being a bit taller – Mom and I are gonna have to be face to face with this monster any day now!!)
Isn’t he the cutest thing, though? And I was just so excited about his t-shirt, so I had to get a close-up…
And darn-it, if he isn’t the handsomest 13 year old!!! (And shhh! He recently held hands with a girl! Shhhh!) I did NOT tell you that!

I don’t know what it was about that darned t-shirt – but, I just thought it was so cool! I should be more excited about the band uniform itself, but, we haven’t been able to actually see that on him yet. I almost caught him in it on Saturday morning, when they had to take pics, but, the speedy monster had already changed back into his shorts by the time I got there to pick him up!

Doesn’t he have a nice, manly throat?

Gosh, I’m a dork.

Ain’t nothin’ funner than farting dinosaurs!

farting dinosours whats funner?

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Cute, cute, cute! And definitely ‘funner’ – I can’t wait to show the kids when they get home! It just might cheer up their Monday afternoon! Jim Kukral has lots and lots of fun ideas, and he says, “If it isn’t fun….is it worth doing?”

For instance, I loved when he helped me proclaim to the world that LisaMarieMary is really awesome!! And I especially loved it when he helped me shout out that MyVeryOwnMail is really awesome!!

And I just love this idea he’s come up with – to make ‘funner’ a word! How many of us in quick, excited speech have used this with complete abandon? Come on – even you bibliophiles have done it – admit it!

So get on over there –>

And see what it’s all about!

Searching for people online

There are two new people search engines on the web and one is looming way above the other in quality! They are both in beta, so there are room for improvements, but, my money is still on Peek You. The other one is called Just to start off with, let me show you the pages on me from the two sites.

This first image is all the information they have on me at

Now this second image is the information they have on me at
There is actually so much information on me at PeekYou that it wouldn’t all fit on the screen cap, but, you can click on the image to go to my page there.

When I first saw it, I had a bit of the ‘tummy nervousness’ – like a little jolt – eeks! Look at all that information on me! Yikes!

But then, I had to realize, that is all information that I myself have published on the web somewhere. The one thing that I did not like was having my town published on there – when friends told me about the site and told me that their locations were on their pages, I was a little irked. Upon finding my page, however, I found that they got my town wrong! That’s funny, and a bit odd, because, I never actually give out my actual town. I will, however, list a nearby larger town, or an even larger city. Neither of those two that I use is Cullman, though. And should my actual town ever get listed on the page, I can edit it to say the larger city. That is one of the cool features of PeekYou that Spock does not have. Anyone can edit listings, add to listings, or even add people to that are not already listed. Conversely, on, you can add information, but, in order to get information taken off, it must be voted off by users. Users can vote for each tidbit of info. that is listed for a person, and if enough users vote ‘no’, then the information is removed. Beyond that, if you find something you are uncomfortable with having listed there, you will have to contact them to get it removed.

Once I got over the shock of seeing all of ‘me’ on that page, I was actually quite pleased. Just yesterday, I started building a page about all of my web-presence, because, I’ve joined a new group online and wanted to share with them where all they could find me. I didn’t finish building that page, and now I don’t have to. I can just send them to my profile. On this line of thinking, there is one feature of that I would love to see on PeekYou. Spock has a widget that you can grab the code for, to put on your sites, or maybe even in forum signatures – so you can send people to your profile to learn more about you. That is a great feature.

I will not, however, be spending much time at all at Spock. And the real clincher that made me decide this is some of their tactics, which I perceive to be underhanded. Well, I guess you would call it, one of their tactics. They created an application for Facebook, which in and of itself, would be a good thing. However – the app was a ‘Mad Libs’ app – and people had fun with it. I love Mad Libs myself. The bad part is that they used the information in the Mad Libs to tag people on So if it said, “Lisa works in a strip club downtown and owns a vibrator” – some of those words would be used to tag me. So, in searching for those keywords – results would come up with my smiling mug! (Actually, there are not very many pictures on Spock – another negative!) They even had one poor guy tagged as a pedophile! He is a blogger who had blogged about Congressman Mark Foley and thinks the Spock search engine just goofed up. And, in their defense – upon being contacted, they did remove the tag. But – the Facebook application? That’s just not cool – and makes me not trust them!

I can definitely see as being fun, and even quite useful – almost like a LinkedIn profile that I didn’t have to put together!

And – it’s a ton of fun – I have been searching all kinds of people on it all day! It can be quite addictive. If the people don’t have much of a web presence, though, you are not going to find much, if anything, about them. Most people have something online, though – and even those little nuggets can be helpful in hooking up with your best friend from high school, your first love, or even an old boss you’d love to go work for again!

And hey! added three years to my life! I’m only 34 now! Yep – PeekYou definitely gets my vote!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

New gadgets make me HAPPY!

You see this bad boy? He’s mine – all mine! His name is Kodak EasyShare Z712 IS and I LOVE HIM!!!! Mark just brought him home the other night. And if he thinks – for one bloody, redneck minute – that his saying, “I bought it for you, babe – it’s yours” is a great way to get me not to yell at him for spending money, but, he’s really going to snag it back, sneakily, here pretty soon – YA’LL JUST TELL HIM HE’S GOT ANOTHER THINK COMIN’!!! Ha!

This is our second Kodak Easy Share – I just love them, they really are great digital cameras – but, I love ‘Number One’ a little less today. Let me show you why.

The boys have to wait for their bus in front of the neighbor’s house, which is across the street. On the first day of school (Aug. 9th), I stepped off of the front porch and walked all the way to the very edge of my yard, to take a pic of them waiting for the high school bus together. That picture is here:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Now – the first morning with my new camera, I walked ONE FOOT OUT THE FRONT DOOR – I mean, I took ONE STEP out the door – only one of my little feeties was a stickin’ out of the house! And this was the pic I got:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Now, do you see why I’m in Gadget Heaven?? Even though he AIN’T gettin’ it back, the old man might just get some TLC!!Love Eyed 4

They were supremely thrilled to go back to school!

Originally uploaded by patsmomlisa

Can’t you tell from the photo? Don’t they just look like they’re bursting with excitement?! We were really having fun out there that morning, actually! It was kind of funny – everyone was all hyper and silly and just being super goofy! It was a great way to start the new school year. If you would like photographic evidence of said goofiness, all you have to do is click on The Roberson’s First Day of School 2007! It made me so happy to see them all in such a good mood on the first day.

Buying pet supplies can be so much FUN!

I thought that Lucy, my mom’s chihuahua, had the coolest indoor pet den. It is like a little palace, made out of a smooth, soft fabric and it is just divine. She has, however, now been outdone. The doggy dens at Internet Pet Emporium are just way too cute! And – they can be used as end tables, too! That’s really cool, because, that way they are taking up less space, you know? See – aren’t they cute?!They have all kinds of pet supplies at! They have some very useful things, like pet feeding and watering devices and even an indoor potty for dogs! But they also have some really cool – and fancy – stuff!

You’ve got to see this dog house – it is the coolest doghouse ever!

I just love that! It’s called, The Barn. They have another one with a cool front porch, and it’s called The Mansion – but, the front porch on The Mansion doesn’t have a roof, so I like The Barn better. I would love to get that for Lucky! I guess he doesn’t really spend enough time outside to really warrant our buying him a dog house, but, I still would love to buy it!

And I’ve always been obsessed with cat houses! I don’t even have a cat right now, and I still ‘shop’ for cat houses! But, when they are as cool as this: ….how can I resist?

You know who has the COOLEST cat habitat ever?? The ASPCA in New York City – that place is the bomb! It almost makes me want to be a cat! But I’m just a weirdo that way!

Major bloggy girl crush!

It’s true, it’s true – I have a girl crush, and a bloggy girl crush, at that! And she’s younger than I – by 10 years. Think that makes me a cradle robber?

She’s real purdy, ya’ll! And she’s a kick ass blogger, too! Right up my alley!

And guess what she said yesterday? It goes a little something like this:

I’d also like to say that I am one of the most blunt and honest people you’ll ever meet in this world, and it’s certainly not a quality that I dislike in others. I will say this, however… I think that many people are too quick to jump in and say: “Well, I’m just honest.” Being straightforward is great, but when when you practice being honest, beautifully, it makes all the difference in how you’re perceived, if that’s something you care about. 🙂

The bold is mine, because, it’s my favorite part! Golden – pure golden!

See – the old man is always telling me he’s ‘just being honest’ and it gets my goat just about every time. And now, I have this beautiful sentence in my head to make me feel better.

Tell it to him? Nah – that would just be a waste of my sweet breath – he thinks the way he thinks, you know? Sometimes, just knowing things, and not sharing them with the ‘offender’, makes me feel all warm and gooey inside.

Getting back to my crush – this lovely, sweet girl recently joined a forum I frequent, and I think she’s just mighty cute, and she is a rockin’ cool blogger, and she just seems like a righteous chic. (Not to mention she’s an English major – that just gets me every time!) And then – from her fingertips poured this luscious wisdom, and I was completely hooked – that sealed the deal!

Ya’ll can go on over and get hooked, too – you’ll find the orange cat-lovin’, artist, photographer, and writer at! She’s got a boyfriend named Zach, too, but, I’m sure ya’ll won’t tell on me, right? Winking 2

Time to go craft shopping again!

I’m running low on craft supplies for, so it is just about time to do some craft shopping again. I love it when that time comes around, because, I just love picking out the crafts and the coordinating goodies! Lately, I’ve also been really missing doing crafts with my own kiddos! So I would like to buy some stuff just for us, as well. So it is absolutely perfect timing for to sponsor a review from this spelunking hippie, because, they have 24 stores represented with free online coupons in the arts and crafts coupons category! I am loving this!

I generally always get my crafts and goodies for my personalized letters business from The Oriental Trading Company. There are 60 Oriental Trading coupons – that’s awesome! That is going to be very helpful! I love shopping there, and sometimes I go overboard, so a little help in the form of coupons and discounts will go a long way!

And besides all of the cool stores I learned about in the craft category (there are some cute ones – really! go look!) at, there is always Wal-Mart! I know, a proper hippie wouldn’t shop at Wal-Mart. But you won’t tell my momma, I know – because you’re a sweet crowd!Winking 2 And besides, I live in a small town and the Target is quite a bit of a drive. And, more importantly, Wal-Mart has a killer craft section! Sammie and Shawn and I can get lost in there for hours! They don’t have any Wal-Mart coupon codes at right now, but, I will definitely keep an eye out for them. They do, however, have another cool feature on their Wal-Mart page I’d like to tell you about. You will notice at the bottom of the Wal-Mart page that there are some eBay links. Those links are for discounted gift cards that are on sale on eBay. This is a new craze, apparently, and you can usually buy them for about 75% of their face value. I hadn’t heard of this until today, and I am surprised and excited about it – that’s free money we’re talking about! There is a good explanation of this new phenomenon on the DealLocker Blog.

There are a few other cool features over at that I wanted to tell you about, too. There are user ratings on all of the coupons, and so you only see coupons that are actually still good. That is definitely a big time and headache saver. Also, users can submit coupons, so it’s like a coupon-wiki – seriously, could web 2.0 get any cooler? I just love all of the user-collaboration everywhere! Registering for the site is quick and easy, so there’s no headache there, either.

I saved my favorite feature for last – the 1-Click Coupon Bookmarklet! You know how you’ll be out and about on the web and you find something you really want to buy, so you exit the retailers website (or open a new window) and go searching for coupons? You no longer have to do that. I tested this out, and I love it! I went to Oriental Trading Company online, whistling casually, as if I was just out surfing. Then I said to me, “Ooh, I would love to buy that stationary set – wonder if there are any coupons for it?” Did I, at this point, leave the site? No way! Not at all. I just went to my bookmarks, clicked on ‘Coupons from Deal Locker’ and up popped a lovely little window (one of those small ones) listing all of the Oriental Trading coupons. I just love that! Major timesaver!

This is a great new site, out of sunny California, and if you’re looking for coupons (who isn’t?) – I’d say you should check them out, because, I give them 2 Thumbs Up!

Let’s all do the Spunkular!

One of Sammie’s girlfriends keeps getting the name of my blog wrong – she calls it ‘The Spunkular’! So cute! We were all laughing about it the other day and I told her that I like the way that sounds – it’s cool! So the girls started dancing around the house, singing, “The Spunkular”!!

It’s the new dance craze, ya’ll! Everybody do “The Spunkular”!!Celebration Dance

And how about that? I’ve got myself three little bloggy cheerleaders! I totally love it! I should buy them all matching purple and green shirts and get some Youtube action going! I’d have to get permission from one of the moms – I’ve already featured one of the girls in a video here before. I think it was for a ‘Happy Valentine’s’ video for my nephew back in Dallas. It was cute.

And “The Spunkular Cheerleaders” would just be ADORABLE!!

Making books come alive

A really excellent way to get children interested in reading is to make books come alive. And a super fun way to do that is by acting out the story, props and all! I remember one of the stories that my kids and I used to act out was The Three Little Pigs. We had animal masks for each character in the story, and we would take turns playing each role. It was really funny. The pig’s noses were really funny – we would always laugh as soon as someone would put one on! And we sure had a lot of fun making that book come alive!

Wolf Pig Dancing