Archives for October 2007

High School Musical welcomed here!

Yes, we do the High School Musical thing in this house. Two of my kids really like it, my daughter, especially. She and her friends will wander around the house all day singing the songs and doing the dances that, yes, they have memorized! The other night I was in her room waiting for her to change into her jammies, so I could tuck her in. The next thing I know, she is standing in front of the closet doing what looked to me to be a cheer. We have been going to all of the at-home football games and she and her friends like to watch the cheerleaders and do the cheers with them, as best they can. So I figured that is what she was doing. But nope, it was a dance from the High School Musical.

We live right across the street from the college theater – it is literally like three houses over from me, with the theater being the ‘third house’. It would be so cool if the college would put on a production of the show. Man, if I told Sammie I had High School Musical tickets, she would literally FLIP!

Uppers come from downers?!

This is just really strange. We all have to get checked out like common criminals just to get our cold medicines, because, amateur chemists like to do funny things with them. But the funny thing is that they (the amateur chemists) turn them into uppers. But, when I take them, they turn me into the zombie queen. (A zombie queen who should just maybe, refrain from writing… ah well!) Anyhoo, the Sudafed I usually get doesn’t usually zombie me out too badly, just a touch, but, my husband accidentally picked up the wrong one. The reason he didn’t notice that it was the wrong one is that it only has two little, bitty letters added onto the end of it. And let me tell you – them’s some STRONG little, bitty letters. Meet the ‘Blog-Posting Zombie Queen’! Yikes! This stinks.

And yet, when the rotten, creepo, street chemists tinker with this stuff, they turn it into UPPERS. Maybe I should be buying it from them, you know?

No drivers license checks, no forms to fill out, no signatures needed – and I get enough energy plus some, to clean the house, or run and play at the park with the kids!

Or maybe the ‘real chemists’ could take classes from the ‘street chemists’. I mean,think of it – the pharmacists are turning us all into zombified space cadets, and the street punks are turning out a bunch of super-charged, energized go-getters!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Electronics Jinx

That’s what I am – an electronics jinx. Seriously. When I was explaining all of my electonics jinxing to my mother, she was laughing so hard. Sure – she can laugh. She’s not living it! Hrmph!

I’ve got a brand new laptop, that I cannot connect to the internet – except in the dining room.

I’ve had cellphone issues for about five years now – it’s really, really pathetic. My poor brother had to call me back two or three times just in the course of our conversation yesterday. And I have to dance around the house while talking to anyone, because, a spot that has good reception this minute, might not the next. So I travel through the house, desperately trying to continue my phone conversations.

Mark just bought me a new camera – the camera is eating all of the batteries we put in it! So most of the time I have a brand new camera that doesn’t work, as we can’t keep up with supplying it batteries!

I swear there was at least one or two more electronics that I’ve succeeded in causing to malfunction, but, I can’t seem to think of them. I’m sure if my mother reads this (Hi Momma!) she will enlighten us if I have, in fact, forgotten some of them! 😉

Too many clothes!

I have absolutely got to get my clothing nightmare cleaned out! I have way too many clothes, and they are just not getting put away. But I have noticed recently that the few clothes that I do wear are the only ones that really get ‘touched’ by me. And I had a light bulb moment that I should totally get rid of some.

I have been hanging onto way too many clothes. I had some lovely, sweet people give me hand-me-downs, around the same time. And it just overwhelmed me, because, there were so many clothes all at once. So I need to just buckle down and get to going through them.

The other issue is that I am hanging onto clothes that just don’t fit me anymore. I keep thinking that ‘overweight’ is a temporary condition (which I really do hope and pray it is) but, it’s been six years now. And hanging onto some of those clothes is just plain silly.

I’m going to use the tactic I learned from either FlyLady or Marilu Henner – I can’t remember which one of them it was, they both just totally rock, in my book! Anyway, the tactic is you have to either totally love the item – or wear it frequently – or it’s gone! Some of the items I know that I will keep are my wedding dress, my high school dance dresses (there are only four of them) and stuff like that. But other stuff, that I don’t completely love, and I’m just thinking, ‘I may be able to wear that as soon as I lose weight…’ – forget it! It’s gone! It’s going to be hard, but, I am really working hard to simplify my life and make things easier and more manageable, and this is one thing that has definitely gotten out of control!

One thing that I am afraid of is not having very many clothes left when I am done. This really would be a good thing, though, as it would simplify things so much, and as I do lose weight, I can go and buy new and pretty things. (My clothes really are pretty scrappy, anyway.) I could just buy one thing here and there, and eventually wind up with a nice wardrobe. It would be so cool if I had a friend with a plus-size store, so I could get wholesale clothing prices. Then I could really build up my wardrobe nicely. But then, of course, maybe I’d wind up in the same pickle I’m in now – too many clothes! LOL!

Halloween cuteness

Sammie really wanted to embrace nature this Halloween and be a tiger. She is completely obsessed with tigers right now. I’m not sure how she got off course of that, but, now she is going to be a vampire lady. Her costume is really pretty, but, I think kids in animal masks are just so cute. Of course, I imagine that had she gone ahead with that costume, we wouldn’t have used a mask. The one time that I was a cat, I wore a headband with ears attached to it and painted my face to look like a cat. And that is more along the lines of what Sammie had been talking about. And I bet she would’ve made the cutest tiger ever! Well, maybe we’ll have to try that out next year. This year – vampire queen it is!

Halloween ROCKS!

Mark just got back from the store with Sammie and Shawn. They went to get groceries, but, they also went looking for Halloween goodies. The kids needed costumes and we needed a little more stuff for the house. Our decorations are a bit sparse. Neither of the kids got an animal costume, but, they did get neat ones! Sammie got a Vampire Lady dress that is so pretty and she got a pitchfork and some pointy teeth to go with it. Shawn got a black hooded robe and this very cool, and long, staff – that actually has a skull inside a plastic ball that lights up and spins! I can’t wait to see how it works! Patrick is not quite sure what he’ll be doing this year, if he is actually going to dress up or not. I imagine at the last minute, he’ll throw on some kind of ghoulish makeup and go like that. Whatever he decides, I know we will all have fun. This is the best Halloween neighborhood we have ever lived in! I cannot wait!!

Family gathering

We had the family over yesterday for two birthdays, that of an aunt and one of the cousins. We really lucked out, because, the aunt’s daughter did all of the work. She even cleaned up – it was awesome, especially since I had a migraine. But we had a nice time hanging out with everyone. Some people were in the kitchen. Some people were relaxing in the dining room. Some of the kids were playing out front. Still more of the kids were playing out back. Still more of the kids were playing video games downstairs. Most of the menfolk sat outside under the pecan tree, around our firepit. And it was just a really nice evening. When Mark’s cousin was leaving – the two of them were talking about getting together to grill some fish. I don’t know what kind of fish and I don’t know what kind of grilling. Maybe they were talking about using a billet grille. I don’t know, though – I don’t really even know at whose house they were talking about having it. I guess I will just find out when I find out.

My connection issue

I have issues connecting, sometimes with people, but, the ‘connection issue’ that has me so flustrated right now has more to do with electronics. My dad (the Coolest dad EVER!) gave me a very nice laptop recently. I have frequently been the receiver of his techno-hand-me-downs when he purchases new stuff for himself, but, this time – after a couple of twists of fate – I wound up with a brand new IBM Thinkpad T61. This bad boy ROCKS! Rocks my socks – I’m completely in love, I tell you!

So, what, in Heaven’s name, then, could be the issue?! Let me tell you! I cannot stay connected to the internet unless I am in the room with the wireless router. It is really bumming me out.

Take now, for instance, I’m not feeling very well (icky migraine again – ugh!) and I am much more comfortable in my bedroom. It is a very comfy room, after all, and I’ve got my grandmother’s blanket on my lap – you just can’t get much better than that! So I came in here and I’m typing my posts up in Word, to be transferred later.

There were two times that I was actually able to connect while in my bedroom, but, they were very short-lived. It was funny, though, because, the second time, I got so excited – I actually got sick to my stomach! What a goof! Well, I really thought I had figured it out and I was just thrilled that it was actually going to happen! (Or so I thought.)

I think I just need a more powerful router, as it is obviously not a compatibility issue, since I can connect while I’m in there. It might just be that this super-duper snazzy new machine is just too much for that old router!

Personalized children’s books and such

I just got the coolest music CD for my nephew, Scooter Pie. I can’t wait for him to hear it. His name (other than Scooter Pie) 😉 is DJ. They didn’t have DJ, but, they did have Daniel. I am hoping that he gets called Daniel enough to appreciate the fact that the singers are singing to/about him. It is a good thing I am not the only one I’m relying on to have him familiar with the name Daniel, because, pretty much the only time I use his full name is when I’m disciplining him! 😉 I’m pretty sure he’s already working on writing out Daniel, though. So if I’m remembering that correctly, all will be good.

I got him the CD called “You’re a Winner” and it is all about having positive self-esteem and knowing that you are unique, and indeed, a winner! I can hear him in my mind walking around the house singing the songs! And I sure do hope my ‘visions’ come true! The CD is en route to him through the USPS right now, but, I will report back when he gets it and listens to it. I listened to the whole thing before I sent it and I really liked it! (My fourteen-year old, rotten teen that he is, had good fun making fun of it! No worries – I’ve got plenty of goods on him! HA!)

There is a really cool Spiderman one that I would love to get him, as well! And then, of course, I want to pick out some for my nieces, too!

And I wouldn’t just have to pick CD’s for them, they have a large selection of personalized childrens books that I would love to get for them! And they also have the personalized baby book that I have been looking for since my second child was born. When my first was born, the hospital was giving them away. Then by the next year, they were no longer doing that, so my other son and my daughter don’t have one all about the day they were born! 🙁 So I have been trying to find one all this time and I’m thrilled that I can finally do that, too!

And you all know that I am a self-proclaimed children’s literacy advocate, and there is no better way to get a kid excited about reading than to put him IN the story! I just love personalized books, especially for hesitant readers!

Blogging is faster in bed

Blogging is so much faster in bed. Why is that? I think there are actual several reasons why that is true. I think I am just that much more comfortable being comfortable in bed, that my productivity is greatly increased. I also think that without the distraction of the internet, I’m focused a whole lot more on each particular article/post that I am writing. Often, while online posting, in mid-stream, I’ll think of a thread in a message board that I’m keeping tabs on that I want to go check on. Or I might want to check my email to see if a certain email has come in that I have been watching for. I also think that my office is in such a mess, that the energy in there is completely stagnant. That room could definitely use a Feng Shui overhaul, that’s for sure! And that, of course, goes back to the comfort thing.

What brought this all on? Well, I noticed that I knocked out five posts earlier lickety split! And I was amazed, as lately I have trouble getting one or two posts out of myself! So I think I will do a lot more of this ‘blogging in bed’ business. And I’m thrilled to death about it!