I Need A Rockstar!

Not some long-haired, skinny pants-wearin’ rocker. No, not that at all. I’m way too old for that nonsense! What I need is a Zero Carb Rockstar. I’m so sleepy and having trouble getting moving. It’s the day after a MONDO MIGRAINE, so I’m completely out of it. I went to bed last night on both Benadryl and Phenergan, thanks to my lovely cerebral visitor.

Before I fell completely asleep in my recliner in the living room, I looked up at my daughter and her good friend, Regina – and said, “Oh hello, Brianna.” Brianna is one of my daughter’s other good friends!!! I looked this kiddo straight in the face and called her someone else. I was only jarred out of my fog by the girls’ reaction to my greeting! LOL!!

It would so stupendously cool if I could buy Rockstar in bulk! Like this:

Or heck, maybe even this:

Today, though – it’d just be nice if I had one! I sure could use it!

My new blogs are starting to look pretty

I’ve had a migraine all day, that I’ve been keeping at bay with medicine, but, I still haven’t felt totally up to snuff. Blogging just wasn’t really in the cards today, although I do have some reviews that I wanted to get done. They will just have to wait.

It sort of turned out to be a good thing, though, because I worked on some of the design elements of my two new blogs. And I had a super-cool blogging buddy, Loretta, helping me! She totally rocks!

Aren’t they starting to look nice? Why, thank you, I think so, too!

Have a good evening – and I’ll blog at ya tomorrow!

The name of the migraine medicine

I keep talking about the migraine medicine samples that the doctor gave me, and I haven’t told ya’ll the name of them! Oops! The name is Axert, or almotriptan malate. I wanted to make sure you knew that because they work really well! The other day I got a headache, but, I also had a tummy ache, so I hadn’t been able to drink coffee all day long. And we all know what happens when you take a coffee drinker off coffee suddenly. Yeah – no fun. And yes, I know, I really shouldn’t be drinking it to begin with, but, let me get to my point. Not having coffee all day would make me have a really bad headache! But those pills, just one of them, took care of it! I know, though, that they must be disgustingly expensive, because the card that came with them for a discount says $25 off! Twenty-five dollars off? If that is what the discount is, then they must be high-priced, you know! But anyway, if you can afford it, or if you have good insurance, I just wanted to tell you that I think they work really well. In case any of my readers are cursed with migraines like me!

That migraine medicine worked!

I can’t believe it! That is so cool, ya’ll! I mean, I had already had the headache for several hours before I took the medicine, and yet, it still worked. I took it at 1:30 and I was all prepared to take another at 3:30. By 3:00, when my first son came home from school, I was still hurting. The pain was dulled, but, it was definitely still there. It sure didn’t help that said son wanted to wrestle and attack me. LOL! And then, all of a sudden, at 4:00 – I noticed that most of the pain was gone. Wow!

Now – all three children did get home and then promptly leave – they went to friend’s houses. So it is awfully quiet in here. I think that actually helped the meds to really kick in! I hope when the kids come back, they aren’t too rowdy.

I even just agreed to let the boys have a friend spend the night! Amazing – normally, with a headache started like that, the answer would have been a definite NO!

Well, dadgum those pills for being so expensive!

I forgot about my migraine medicine!

Could somebody slap me? For real.

I got up this morning with my neck and shoulders hurting, so I took an extra Tegretol to ward off the headache that neck and shoulder pain generally always bring me. Taking an extra one can sometimes backfire on me. Sometimes it can assure me of a headache, instead of getting rid of a coming headache. And I never quite know what to expect.

My neck and shoulder pain went away fairly quickly, which is odd. Once it starts, it is usually there for at least a week, if not two. But the headache continued on its course – growing and growing. I don’t know if I caused it by taking extra medicine – or if it was just on a crash course for my head and there was no stopping it.

I got up to eat (my lovely chicken salad hot dog) and get more coffee and take some advil. I wanted to keep this little bugger at bay, so that I can, one, get some more work done today, and two, not suffer through a headache all weekend. I hate the lasting-over-the-weekend headache. I can’t really do anything or go anywhere comfortably with the kids and I’m constantly begging them to keep the noise down. Blah.

So I was bopping around the kitchen preparing my lunch, and I was, like usual, chatting up a storm with myself. (Yes, it’s true. I do. Hi Tracy!) And I got on the subject of my doctor, and wondering why they don’t just prescribe regular pain meds for migraines, as opposed to the nauseatingly expensive migraine meds. And I wondered aloud, “Why can’t he just give me a Vicodin prescription?!” I could have Mark keep it for me, so I wouldn’t take it like the candy that my addictive personality thinks it is….


I have some of those nauseatingly expensive migraine meds!!!!!!!! Crap! I forgot the doctor gave me some samples!!

And now, it might be too late – this is the kind that you have to take immediately when you realize that your headache is a migraine. Well, crap! I’m trying it anyway. You can actually take one more in two hours if it doesn’t work. So at 3:30 – I might be poppin’ another one!

I guess this will be an experiment – we’ll see if it works when taking it a little bit late.

Maybe you should wait to slap me until my head feels better. But then it won’t feel better anymore, will it?

Too sick to blog….

I woke up the other morning with a 102 degree fever and throat so sore that I couldn’t hardly swallow! Ug! Dang me, dang me – it is just one thing after another lately! Life has been supremely crazy! (I feel like escaping to some Villas in Italy!)I went to the doc this morning and he says I’ve got tonsillitis and the lumps in my armpits are folliculitis, just as the other doc had said. More antibiotics.

So I’m feeling too sick to blog. My brain, however, has a million and one things it wants to tell you. “Oh yeah, I’ve got to blog that!” “Oh yes, I definitely need to blog that!” etc, etc…..

My body is screaming at me to get back in bed, though. You know – it would be kind of handy if I had some type of uplink from my brain to my blog – so you guys could keep up and all…

For now, I guess you’ll just have to wait with bated breath to hear (read) all of the earth-shattering news I have to share with you. I’m going to lie in bed with a fresh cup of joe (migraine guard) and read my copy of Website Magazine – and try to feel like I’m still here amongst my cyber-world.

Happy Wednesday.

The slippery slope

My rotten migraine is back – ugh. It is absolutely so ridiculous. I walked Patrick outside to wait for his bus this morning at 7am, and while I was standing on the front porch, I attempted to look up at the sky. Yes – attempted – only. That’s it. It was that simple.

Upon tilting my head up and sending my eyes upward, I instantly realized that that was a bad idea, and averted my eyes, and returned my head to its normal position.

And now I have a migraine. Poo. You see, in the morning, the first few hours that I am awake, is when I am most susceptible to my headache triggers. And it was bright in a glary kind of way this morning, and the clouds were probably moving. I’m not sure, I just know that I immediately felt discomfort and put my head back down. So between the glare, and the movement of the clouds, my day is blown.

And you see, what is really tricky about all of this, is that – like I’ve stated before, I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. And living with chronic pain and having to take medicine for it is a tricky operation. It’s a bit like walking into the lion’s den and not getting bitten. You know you’ve got to go in there, often daily – but, be careful! You don’t want those buggers biting you!

Prescription drug addiction, I think, can often be the trickiest to deal with, recover from, or to even admit, because, you see – “The doctor ordered these for me!” “I’m in chronic pain!”

Which is often, if not always, true. And which gives a recovering drug addict – basically – a hall pass!

It is definitely a slippery slope!

Blasted headaches

Over the years, dealing with these rotten migraines, I’ve tried a lot of different treatment options. One of them was $100 for SIX PILLS!! I am not kidding you! Isn’t that crazy?! Uh, yeah – we had to stop buying that. Duh!

A new thing that doctors have been prescribing is Tegretol, or Carbamazepine, and I just happen to already be on that for bipolar disorder. So my doc says it’s ok for me to every now and then take extra for my headaches. That is working – fairly well. The thing is with these dang headaches, often the treatment actually perpetuates the headaches, along with offering relief! And that often happens with the Tegretol. And several years back, the same thing was happening with Excedrin Migraine. Like – I’m in pain – I need help now, so I have to take something – but, often what I take will help the headache remain in the background, only to resurface the next day! Grrr!

It’s a terrible cycle! I’ve often thought of trying a completely different prescription, just for the headaches. The description for Fioricet says that it takes care of upper back and shoulder pain, and that is often where my headaches get their start, so maybe that would be a good one to try.

I don’t know – I sometimes just wish I could trade heads with someone! I say that a lot, don’t I?

Migraine hangovers

I don’t have a ‘headache’ so far today, but, I sure as heck have the migraine hangover!

I actually went back to bed after the kids left for school. (There’s something so glorious about their taking the bus to school! heeeee) I slept until 11am!! And I didn’t want to get up then! I knew if I didn’t, though, that I would regret it. I would have way less time alone before the kids came home, of which I’d already lost quite a bit. And I might wake up really groggy if I slept anymore – and I could have trouble sleeping tonight. So I made myself get up – it was painful, though, let me tell you – I was uber comfortable in that bed!! (It’s probably unbecoming for a 36 year old woman to say uber, but, you know what? I like it!)

I missed my daughter’s recorder concert, but, she didn’t seem upset by it at all. She said, “No, Mom, it’s ok, I know you don’t have a car.” I probably would’ve gotten a ride, or just walked up there – heck, it’s only a mile – if it hadn’t been for the headache from hell!

The kids have, however, now arrived home from school and are quite noisy when they first get here, especially because next week is Spring Break and they are all excited about that! So there was screaming, screeching, fighting, and singing – and it was a bit too noisy for my hungover head. So the pain is trying to come back. Some days I wish I could trade heads with someone. Heck, John Travolta got to trade faces in Face Off…. heh.

You know what’s really terrible, though? One of my daughter’s friends gets migraines. She is in the sixth grade – UGH! That is so very not fair! I mean, I complain a lot about my migraines, but, no way should a kid have to go through this – no way! She got one last weekend when we took her with us to my brother-in-law’s house. I could see the progression of it in her actions and in her face. It was eerily familiar – especially being on a sweet child’s face. We were 20 miles away from home, and I knew 20 miles in the car was the last thing she needed!! So I put her to bed in my BIL’s bed, and let her sleep it off for a while before I dared to put her in the car!

A few years ago, I was scheduled to have hernia surgery, and it got canceled because the doctor had an emergency surgery. I always get my migraines when I have surgery because of the stupid (I know, it’s necessary) ‘no eating, no medication, no coffee’ prep. So I had to ride home just about 20 miles, and it was not pretty! My mother had to pull over three times for me to vomit on the side of the road! In the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, on major freeways in Dallas – so not pretty! So yeah, the car is the last place to put me when I’m in the throes of the monstrous menace that is in my head!

Oh, speaking of my mom, she sent me these cool things for Christmas for my headaches. And actually, they really are cool – they are cooling migraine pads. Quite a funny, but, oh so perfect Christmas present! And I guess I’ve been quite lucky, because I haven’t had to use one yet, and dang! This is already March – that’s pretty dang good! My head’s been nice to me lately! Anyway, I used one last night and it made a BIG DIFFERENCE! So, Mother, if you’re reading – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

She sent me four boxes of those things – the kids and I were laughing so hard – they were in my stocking, but, I was so excited to get them!!

That’s not a sign of getting old, is it?


Migraine migraine leave me alone

Oh man! I’ve got a doozy of a migraine tonight! I sat down with a fresh pot of coffee, ready to blog my little heart out – and my head decided that I was just going to get a few posts in. I visited some really neat blogs tonight, that I wanted to comment on, too – but, I just couldn’t do it – this post is probably gonna be blah-jibberish. I just wanted people to know if I visited you tonight and didn’t comment – that’s why!

Dang me! I haven’t had one this bad in a while!

And what splendiforous timing – Sammie has a recorder concert tomorrow at noon. Yes, that’s right recorders – whistly, shrill recorders. She said that the whole fourth grade is playing at one time – that is six classes of about 24 kids, all playing at once.

This headache is so bad, that I know it will at least still be here somewhat, if not worse, by noon tomorrow. And then after five million kids whistly whistling at me – oh my!

There is, of course, the little issue of getting a ride there – we are a one car family now, and Mark is working pretty far away tomorrow.

Hopefully I can get a ride, and hopefully, I don’t need a ride to the ER when it’s done.

I was all set to blog on all my blogs tonight, too – and go blog-visiting and commenting.

Doesn’t life always seem to get in the way of your life? It does mine!