Flip That Lens on Squidoo

Do you Squidoo? I sure do – and I love it! And the rockin’ chick who got me into it is a very cool marketer named Tiffany Dow. She wrote this really awesome ebook all about Squidoo, which teaches people all about how to make the most of Squidoo and how to be a valuable member of the community over there. That book is called, Social Networking on Squidoo. And with that book, I was hooked! Completely hooked!

Now, however, she’s written another book about Squidoo. This time she is teaching us how to build great Squidoo lenses and sell them, or rather, flip them. Hence the name of the book, Flip That Lens. I am so excited about this new book! Tiffany has had great success flipping lenses – her teenage son has even flipped a few!

The really cool thing about Tiffany’s ebooks is that she is such a great teacher. She really takes you through step-by-step what exactly you need to do. So often, I am reading an ebook and I get to a point where I don’t know how to do something that the author is talking about and they are not explaining that crucial step. That totally does not happen with Tiffany – she never leaves you hanging. I just love the way she teaches!

Go check it out – you’ll see what I’m talking about: Flip That Lens

Get paid to blog with Smorty

Smorty.com is a great way for bloggers and advertisers to connect with each other and help each other out. The advertisers can get buzz or reviews for their products and services, and bloggers can get paid for blog advertising. I am fairly new to this service, but, I think I am going to really like this one. The setup is very simple and straightforward. Jobs come up on the site and an email goes out to those eligible to let them know. There are a certain number of posts available per job, so if an advertiser is buying 100 posts, the first 100 bloggers to log in and take the jobs are the ones to get them. You can also just log in to your account and check and see if there are jobs available.

The pay is every week – I love that part, for sure! And I love the layout of the site and the colors – it is a clean and simple design (that is also kind of cute) that makes it easy to understand where I am supposed to go, as a blogger, to check on my account, or available jobs, or whatever I need.

They also have a great FAQ’s section, explaining everything we need to know, as bloggers, to get started blogging for money. I think I’m really going to enjoy working with this company.

TheNewsRoom.com ROCKS!

This is cool, very cool! It’s a video news site, called The News Room through which I (and you) can make money! You can find relevant news to your site, post it, and whammo! We make money via an advertising share and the CPM starts at $1. It was so quick and easy to sign up – I am just loving this! You will have to excuse me if I go video crazy for a little while, because I am really excited about this! I mean, heck! You can even win prizes when you embed their awesome, timely videos on your blog or website!

Now check this one out! My treehugger soul couldn’t have been happier when I saw it!

Go Lucky Lady, go!

That is so cool that if they escape the slaughter line, they are free! Period. That’s the system! I like that system.

And how sweet that the little boy saw him, “Grandpa, it’s a sheep – from the farm! It’s NOT a dog!” I love that!

That would have to be so funny to be driving through the Bronx, and see a sheep aimlessly meandering the sidewalks, nibbling on weeds!

And the coolest thing of all is that I can post this video on my blog, and share it with all of you, and we can enjoy it together – and I can even make some money from it! Could it get any better?


Making money online

It is so cool to be making money online! I am really just loving it! I am helping out with the bills and it is a really good feeling. My two accounts that I operate out of, however, are not your typical bank accounts, really. One of them is PayPal and the other is through First Internet Bank. So that sometimes makes things a little tricky. I got an affiliate check in the mail the other day, for instance, and it was a check that was, obviously, written out to me. Since I don’t have a way to easily make deposits into either of those accounts, it became a ‘freebie’ for my husband. He asked me, “What do I do with this?” I told him to do whatever he wanted with it, because I couldn’t deposit it into my accounts. He has an account at a local bank here. Actually, he has two. So he either just put it in the bank, or cashed it and used it for gas, going to lunch, or whatever. I have to get a little creative working with these accounts, but, I wouldn’t give PayPal up for anything – I’ve had an account with them forever and I love them. And my FIB account is how I get paid from ChaCha.com, so of course, I’m not going to give that up. I will just probably have to open up a local account sooner or later. For now, I just dump some of my PayPal money into my husband’s account for some of the bills. And then I usually try to pay bills online or with the electronic check processing. I like the ‘new’ way of doing things, you know. Writing out a check, and stamping an envelope is so yesterday, you know?

A fun way to get cash and goodies

…is by doing market research. The kids and I have really had fun with this over the last few years. I haven’t really done any in several months, I’ve been too busy blogging, but, I am still getting emails every day from various companies.

And I haven’t signed the kids back up to the kids one since we moved out here to Alabama, but, with summer coming up, it would be a good idea to get them signed back up. They were making more money than I was – getting $10 checks in the mail right and left!

We got all kinds of cool stuff when doing surveys, too! A few times they wanted us to try new cereal before it was released to the market, and so they sent us whole boxes of cereal. I’ve gotten free razors, toothbrushes, cosmetics, you name it! If you have a little time for it, it really is fun!