Archives for March 2007

And sweet neighbors, too

Our new neighborhood is heavily populated with seniors, many of whom have been here since the 60’s, when the houses were all built. (Well, besides John’s – whose was built in the 1840’s.) I really like communities like this because they have some heart to them, you know? The kind of ‘revolving door neighborhoods’ where people constantly come and go just don’t have the same feel to them. In fact, some of these new neighbors eye us skeptically, being newcomers and all. Lucky and I encountered a man like that yesterday on our walk – but, most people are just as kind and welcoming as they can be!

And some of them are just adorable! A little while ago, I was in the kitchen, looking out the side window and two doors down, a sweet, older lady was going to get her mail. I think she must’ve gotten a new mailbox, because, I often see her going to get her mail, and have never been quite so amused by it before. You see, the lady is quite small, and thin, too – and she has one of those fancy-schmancy new hard plastic mailboxes. (I’ve been wanting one of those for a long time!) And what was so amusing about it was that the mailbox was bigger than her!!! It was so cute!!

I’ve never seen those mailboxes as overly gigantic, so it was really funny to see her dwarfed by it!

My new, sweet little town

I really like our new, little town in which we live. I have wanted to live in a small town pretty much my whole life and now I finally get to, and I love it!

We run into the city librarians at the grocery store, teachers at WalMart, and we even ran into teachers out on Halloween!! It is such a cool feeling!

I live across the street from a really sweet, older couple who live in the coolest freaking house! It was built in the 1840’s – I just love it! And they run a used bookstore on the town square, in which they also sell some amazing antiques, one of which being an old toy truck, that is about a foot long. That is so amazing – combining two of my very favorite things in the whole world – old stuff and trucks!! Awesome! He’s selling it for about $175 – I haven’t been to the shop in a while, I’m not sure if he still has it. I do have a birthday coming up….

There is a lot of really neat history in this town. There are old cemeteries, old houses, and historical markers explaining a lot of how this town came to be, and who some of the major players were.

One of the old houses is even a Bed and Breakfast – how cool is that? I live in a town with a B&B! I just love staying at B&B’s! The last one we stayed in was in Canon City, Texas and my brother, Mic, and I had a blast poking around all its nooks and crannies!

Men and their toys!

Good heavens! I don’t know if it is truly a male thing, because I have known some women with strong ‘needs’ for expensive toys and gadgets, and, truth be told – when it comes to computers, there is quite a bit I do want.

Anyway, right before we moved to Alabama, Mark got one of those big screen, flatscreen, weirdo TV’s that the kids can’t touch the screen or they’ll wreck it, and if you turn it off, you have to wait 15 minutes to turn it back on – you know, one of those TV’s? I don’t know what the heck they’re called.

So then we move out here, and we set up our ‘living room’ in the basement. We put the new, big TV in one corner, and the old, small TV in the other corner for the kids to use with the gaming systems.

And then we called the cable company and scheduled our setup day. And guess what? This new, fancy schmancy, way too expensive stupid TV – CAN’T HOOK UP TO THE CABLE!!!!!

I had to have them hook up the cable to the small TV! So now we have this big ‘ol TV upon which we cannot watch TV!

How do you like them apples?! I can’t even remember why the guy said it wouldn’t work, and what exactly these new TV’s are intended to be for, or to do, or whatever, but, I do know that he said that we could pick up some cable at WalMart – I think it was an HDMI cable, that we can use to hook the TV up to the cable box.

And me, being the precious, sweet wife that I am, surely did not throw this in my husband’s face. Nope, not even once.

(Ok, like maybe ten times!)

Think Spring

Spring is officially here and I am so excited! I think I’ve already said this a few times! LOL

Well, Jim is excited, too – and he wants to spread a flower-giving spirit throughout the blogosphere!

Check this out:

Mum Blog Post Photo

Isn’t it beautiful? All you have to do to keep the flowery, springy happiness flowing is click on the flower and get your own!!

And for me, it’s not just about Spring-love, which I am highly excited about right now and have been constantly carrying on about it – but, it is also a God-deal for me, because I actually have two of the above flowers on my desk right now! They have passed on to greener pastures, but, I haven’t been able to get rid of them for a couple of reasons. You see, these two flowers are very special to me and I have been wanting to blog about them, but, I didn’t know what they were and I wanted to know what kind of flower they were before I – number one, blogged about them, and number two, let them pass on peacefully to the next world. Like – as opposed to sitting on my desk getting browner by the minute, with fungus on their stems… ewww….

So – thank you, Jim! Thank you for this LOVELY meme that I would’ve loved anyway, but, love even more because it is helping me find out what kind of flower this is!!!

Totally groovy!

Now ya’ll go click on the flower, visit Jim, and get your own beautiful flower!!

Someone’s birthday is coming

That would be me – my birthday is coming! It’s not too far away, anyway – it’s May 22. Heck, to a kid, that’s right around the corner! You know how they get –

Kid: Hey! My birthday’s coming up!
Boring grownup: Really? When?
Kid: In six months!

Hahaha! And mine’s only two months away! Less than two months if you want to get particular! And look at this great Celtic Cross that I found:

Isn’t it great? I just love it! And I really like the prayer on it – it’s very sweet and God-centered, without sending any of my bristles up. You know, those ‘I’ve got a few issues with church’ bristles.

I just don’t understand this line: “And be the lintel blest” If anyone knows what that means, I would love to hear all about it in the comments! Thank you!

And if anyone, say, any family members, or secret admirers (yeah, ’cause I’ve got lots of those! Ha!) is perplexed about what to get me – I’d love this cross!

One cool thing about moving

…is that you get to go through all your stuff! You know, all that special stuff that you’ve been keeping forever and a day! It’s funny because if we don’t move, I sometimes don’t see this stuff for years, but, it’s so majorly special to me! It’s almost like, once a year or so, I should go through all my stuff, just for the warm fuzzies it gives me!

Some of my favorite stuff to go through is all of my ‘Catholic stuff’. I call it that because it is a mix of things from all aspects of my life growing up as a Catholic. My grandmothers were both very devout Catholics, and they would give me little trinkets here and there, and I inherited some of their things when they passed. And our church would frequently have book sales, so I have lots of sweet, little Catholic children’s books. My most favorite of my ‘Catholic stuff’, however, is all of the first communion gifts that I received when I received that sacrament in the second grade. I have the most beautiful rosary from my Grandmamom, and a very pretty necklace from my parents, and a wonderfully precious children’s mass book signed by one of my very favorite priests, Fr. Kamel. He was such a sweet, gentle, and kind man, I loved being around him.

I feel so warm and cozy and loved when I am looking all over this stuff, and showing my kids, and telling them my stories about my sweet grandmothers, my favorite priests (Fr. Kamel, Fr. Kelly, and Fr. Gayle) and what it was like growing up Catholic.

Blasted headaches

Over the years, dealing with these rotten migraines, I’ve tried a lot of different treatment options. One of them was $100 for SIX PILLS!! I am not kidding you! Isn’t that crazy?! Uh, yeah – we had to stop buying that. Duh!

A new thing that doctors have been prescribing is Tegretol, or Carbamazepine, and I just happen to already be on that for bipolar disorder. So my doc says it’s ok for me to every now and then take extra for my headaches. That is working – fairly well. The thing is with these dang headaches, often the treatment actually perpetuates the headaches, along with offering relief! And that often happens with the Tegretol. And several years back, the same thing was happening with Excedrin Migraine. Like – I’m in pain – I need help now, so I have to take something – but, often what I take will help the headache remain in the background, only to resurface the next day! Grrr!

It’s a terrible cycle! I’ve often thought of trying a completely different prescription, just for the headaches. The description for Fioricet says that it takes care of upper back and shoulder pain, and that is often where my headaches get their start, so maybe that would be a good one to try.

I don’t know – I sometimes just wish I could trade heads with someone! I say that a lot, don’t I?

Just why do they call it ‘life insurance’?

I used to get so confused about life insurance, and I really just didn’t get it. I remember when I was first trying to understand just what the heck it was, I kept asking people, “Ok, now – this ‘life insurance’ is for when you die, right?” I just really didn’t get why they didn’t just call it death insurance! I guess that would be a bit macabre, though, eh?

Ghostie mama

It’s time for Self Portrait Sunday again, and as I’ve just gotten rid of a very large pack of in-laws, I had to take my picture at night. Without the flash, you couldn’t see me in the picture – with the flash, you get Ghost 2 -y mama!!!

Don’t forget to visit Cass at and check out everyone else’s entries!!

My new hair…

Ok, so here are a couple of pics of my new haircut and my primping yesterday. First – my closeup smiley face:

Now this one shows you better the length of my hair, which will be shorter once Cousin Kim gets my horrible hairdressing faux paus dealt with! LOL! It didn’t really even curl up that much, and what little it did curl was completely flat in about 15 minutes! Pitiful, I tell you, pitiful. I have got to get some more of those steam rollers – regular rollers do no good for climates like Texas and Alabama. Maybe in Colorado – but, not in this den of humidity!

This last one was funny – the very second before the shutter clicked, a wind blew by, and gave me a funny mustache! (Except that it’s on my lip, quite literally.) It reminds me of some villainous cartoon character whose name escapes me…

Now ya’ll are so sick of me, I won’t even be able to participate tomorrow oops, I mean, Sunday – (today feels like Sat.) in Cass’ Self-Portrait Sunday! HA!

(Just kidding, Cass – I’ll try to squeeze it in during my crazy in-law home invasion!! [Hubby’s 44th birthday and Granny’s 85th birthday – and the whole crew is coming here – oh joy.])